All articles - Love & Sex

You can't escape the time of the month. Every 28 days, periods impose themselves on the lives of women, from puberty through to the menopause. How does your menstrual cycle work...
The clitoris

The clitoris is the pleasure organ par excellence, and is the most sensitive part of a woman’s body. For a long time it was considered secondary and even demonised, yet it holds...

Impotence is the inability to penetrate a partner or other hollow orifice with the penis, often accompanied with ejaculation problems. Why and how does this happen? Impotence...
How To Do A Striptease

What better than a striptease to tantalise and turn him on? Here's our guide to mastering the art of sexy stripping. What better than a striptease to tantalise and turn him on...
The first date

The first date can be just as stressful as a job interview. Sure, having secured a date with him in the first palce is a good sign, but you need to make sure of the second! Here's...
Sexy lingerie

Lingerie is still an innovative domain, and sexy lingerie makes you feel like a goddess and drives him wild. Try these racy little numbers! Lingerie is still an innovative domain...
Long distance love

Distant relationships aren't always easy. However, a few very simple basics can help you deal with separation in the best possible way. Here are some tips on making a long distance...
Male strippers

In the late 1970s, the playboy strippers known as the Chippendales made their first appearance in the USA. By the 1990s, there was a real market for professional male strippers...
10 Sex Myths About Women That Are Just Plain Wrong

Women rarely want to have sex, and when they do it's all about missionary with lots of eye contact...right? Wrong. Lots of the stereotypes about women in the bedroom are false...
Erotic Lit

Who hasn't ever flicked through a suggestive or naughty piece of, ahem, literature? Erotic lit isn't easy to define: sensual, provocative and pornographic, it's come under all...
Chatting on the net

Chatting on the net is increasingly popular, used to keep in touch with friends and maybe even make new ones. Why do we love it so much? Millions of converts15 years ago, chatting...
Everything You Need To Know About Erotic Dreams

From simple romance to hot quickies, many of us have erotic dreams, but not many of us admit to them. Yet they can tell us about our sexuality. Get to the bottom of your erotic...
Speed dating

In the past, we had lonely hearts columns, dating agencies, nightclubs, dinner parties, Blind Date and good old chance. Today's singletons have chosen to take control so that...
Everything You Need To Know About Every Type Of Erection

An erect penis is the symbol of male virility. Why and how do men get an erection? What can you do about erection problems? Here's all the answer to those burning questions. How...
Online dating

Those looking for love on the internet are spoilt for choice. If you’re looking for something serious, a bit of a fling or just a virtual flirt then you can select profiles that...
What To Do If The Condom Splits?

Condoms are a method of contraception and the only way of protecting against sexually transmitted diseases or infections. However, they can tear during sex. What should you do...

Impotence or erection problems? Viagra can help. The little blue pill can be taken for erectile dysfunction, mainly that linked to age. Impotence or erection problems? Viagra can help...
The Ejaculation Facts You Should Probably Know

Did you know the climax of male pleasure - which is more commonly known as ejaculation - is not only an orgasm, but a mechanical and biological reflex? Also, for some men, ejaculation...
Why The Cowgirl is The Best Sex Position

This is the position where the woman sits on or squats over her partner. It's supposed to be a great position for her while he has a less active role he doesn't tend to complain about...
Doggy Style Sex: Everything You Need To Know About This Must-try Sex Position

Doggy style sex is the best sex you can have. OK, so maybe it's not all that romantic, but the intense friction you get between you and your partner cannot be faulted ladies....
Dealing with a break-up

Conflict in your relationship? Lost that loving feeling, or suffering from a lack of communication? Sometimes there is no other solution than to go your separate ways. No one wins...
Female Libido

Desire is what drives sexuality, without which sex can soon turn into a domestic obligation or ritual, devoid of feeling or emotion. Where does our sexual desire come from? How...
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Porn

Adult, porn, blue, it what you want. Everyone has their own term for porn, but have you ever considered how it actually became and how people watched it before...
Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About Your Vagina But Were Too Afraid To Ask

You can call it your woo woo, a flower or the pink lady all you want, but the technical term for your body part down there is the vagina. As awkward as it may feel to talk about...
How To Deal With The Most Common Female Sex Problems

A lack of desire, pain, difficulty reaching orgasm: many women experience sexual problems, yet they're often still often not common knowledge. Here is a summary of the main problems...
How To Tell Him You Love Him: The Best Ways To Do It

You met a boy who is everything you could ever want. You can't wait to spend every moment with him and you've realised that he is absolutely the one for you. You finally know...
How To Use Lubricant For The Best Sex Of Your Life

Lube is a wonderful thing. It's can make sex less painful, make using sex toys more comfortable and enhance pleasure for the both of you - and what could be better than that?...
The Art Of Kissing

Are you familiar with the French kiss? This sensual kiss, practised by lovers the world over, is perhaps the most well-known but there are many more ways of kissing. From the...
The IUD and IUS (coil)

They’re effective forms of contraception, yet the IUD and IUS remain a mystery to a lot of women. We take a look at what they are exactly, who they’re for, their advantages and...
Feminine hygiene

The genital area is particularly sensitive and has to be treated differently to the rest of your body. Here's what to do - and what not to do - for impeccable hygiene Down There...
Everything You Need To Know About Gay Sex

Homosexual acts were condemned by religion and society for centuries, and have had to endure the misunderstanding of society before becoming accepted; despite sexual liberation...
What Is Love?

What is the intense emotion that overcomes us when we look at or think about that special someone? How do you know you're in love? Why does it feel so good? Does it last for a...
Everything You Need To Know About Lesbian Sex

It may be mysterious to some but lesbian sex is an important part of any female homosexual or bisexual relationship. Unsure of what you need to know before engaging in lesbian sex...
Lack Of Sex Drive

If your sex life has dried up and you can't remember the last time you got it on with your partner, the most shocking thing might be that you're not actually missing sex. This...
Your Sex Life Through Time

It’s a well-known fact that your sex life and desires evolve over time, depending on hormonal changes and the length of time you’ve been with your partner. Regular, all-consuming...
Everything You Need To Know About Nymphomania (Sex Addiction)

A woman who expresses her sexuality freely and who has numerous partners is often labelled a nymphomaniac. This term is actually used to describe a psychological problem with...
Everything You Need To Know About Penis Fractures

Penis fracture is not a rupture of the bone (there is no bone in the penis)! It's a rupture of the tunica albuginea, the thick coat surrounding the penis. It happens when the...
Everything You Need To Know About The Missionary Position

The missionary position is a classic in the act of love and is the most common position in Western sexuality, and of good reason. There's nothing wrong with doing it the old fashioned...
Can Sex Therapy Really Repair Your Love Life?

Many problems such as decreased libido, lack of pleasure, premature ejaculation and vaginismus, lead couples to consult a therapist. How do you choose your therapist? What happens...
The female genitals

Often demonised in the past as the subject of sin and lust, the female sex organs have long been shrouded in mystery. While the female genitalia is no longer a taboo subject,...
The Male Genitals

The male genitals were a symbol of power in ancient times, and today they're still synonymous with virility! The male genitalia are more exposed than the female sex organs, and...
The Erogenous Zones You Don't Know About

If you want to multiply desire during forpelay then there’s nothing like touching and kissing all over, right? Well, times that pleasure by 1000 if you target these precious erogenous...
Your Ultimate Guide To Sadomasochism (S&M)

Sadomasochism (S&M) is where pain is a source of pleasure in sexual relationships. We take a look at how and why it is used. Sadomasochism (S&M) is where pain is a source...
Sex Toys

More sophisticated and glamorous than ever, sex toys have become more and more accessible largely because of ‘Jack Rabbit,’ Charlotte’s vibrating friend in Sex and the City. Since...
STDs or STIs (sexually transmitted diseases or infections)

Despite numerous prevention campaigns, STIs such as AIDS, syphilis and chlamydia are still very common. What are the main infections and their symptoms and how can they be treated...

To protect yourself from STIs and STDs, you need to use a condom. It's the only way to protect yourself from catching sexually transmitted diseases and infections (aside from...
Erection problems

Can’t get it up, can’t keep it up…erection problems are embarrassing for men, but they're more common than we think. Whether their problem is occasional or recurrent, our partners...
A Beginner's Guide To Anal Sex

Anal sex is something a lot of us just aren't comfortable talking about because it's generally considered a taboo in modern society. But let's face it, all of us have thought...
What You Need To Know Before Having Sex For The First Time

First-time sex can be intimidating. Fear of getting intimate, the possible pain or simply not knowing what you should be doing...going all the way for the first time can be worrying...

The word aphrodisiac originates from the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite and dates from at least 5000 years ago. Ancient civilisations such as the Romans, Egyptians and Greeks...
Everything You Need To Know About The G Spot

No, the G spot isn’t a myth! Find and familiarise yourself with this erogenous zone, which is the source of powerful orgasms... No, the G spot isn’t a myth! An area of intense...
Everything You Need To Know About Premature Ejaculation

While ejaculation is a synonym for male pleasure the majority of the time, when he comes too quickly it's no fun for him or his partner. We take a look at the problem of premature...
The Pill

The pill is a very reliable method of contraception, and even though you have to remember to take it every day, it’s the most popular contraceptive in the UK. The pill is a very...
The morning-after pill

There are around 200,000 abortions carried out in the UK every year, yet there is an emergency solution that can avoid unwanted pregnancy following unprotected sex: the morning-after...
Everything You Need To Know About Different Methods Of Contraception

The pill, injection, implant, patch, IUD…Women have a lot of choice these days when it comes to finding an efficient and non-restrictive contraceptive. Here’s our guide to helping...

Considered taboo or shameful for a long time, fantasies are more commonly accepted by women these days. And with good reason: in addition to helping create mental balance, they...
Sexual Positions: The Good, The Bad and The Kinky

Everybody knows the missionary position but there’s a multitude of other ways to get intimate between the sheets. Here’s an outline of the most well-known positions guaranteed...
Penis Size

You can't tell from his shoe size, the size of his hands or nose...but whether he's well-endowned, wide, long or compact, does it really matter? Men and their penises: a timeless...
Male masturbation

Masturbation provides physical relief, aids blood circulation and reduces the risk of premature ejaculation. Not only is it healthy, it provides a lot of enjoyment too! Here's...
Kama Sutra

We’ve all heard about this mythical book. Where does it come from? What does it reveal? Delve into the secrets of the Kama Sutra... We’ve all heard about this mythical book. Where...