All articles - Love & Sex
Douchebag Guys, Awkward Conversations & Meltdowns: 22 Things We Put Our Dads Through

When you look back through your life, no man will support you quite like your Dad. That doesn’t mean you didn’t give him sh*t though… Whether it was swatting away douchebag guys...
25 Of The Best Songs To Walk Down The Aisle To

Getting hitched? Picking a bride entry song can be tricky. You want something that's original and beautiful, meaningful yet recognisable. Well, we're here to prove that there...
Science Says Porn Makes Men Stupid LOL

There are plenty of alarmist theories about the effects of men's special relationship with pornography, but the news that scientists now believe 'porn makes men stupid' is possibly...
Commitment? Respect? 9 Things We Learned From The One That Got Away

When we realise we let an amazing person walk out of our lives, coping can become almost impossible. It's absolutely gut-wrenching. But with all the pain considered, it's important...
'You Can't Change Someone' And Other Dating Advice We Give But Don't Listen To

Every time one of the girls asks for relationship advice we start dishing out mantras, tips and love lessons and insisting our friends should listen to us. What's worse, we can't...
The Apple Of His Eye! 25 Signs You're A Total Daddy's Girl

Remember when you used to rely on your dad for absolutely everything? From running you around town to dealing with your good-for-nothing boyfriends? Truth is, we've never really...
How To Catch A Cheater: 12 Ways To Prove He's Stepping Out

Many of us, at some point, have thought our boyfriends were stepping out on the relationship (FYI: WORST feeling in the world). But we weren't always sure how to prove whether...
25 Things Women Wish Men Knew: The Secret Of What Women Want - REVEALED

Men claim women are much more complicated than them but it's time for our side of the story. It's actually really simple to make a woman happy - if they'd only look out for the signs...
4 Years In The Making And A Trip Around The World: Is This The Most Epic Proposal Video Of All Time?

If you've got a boyfriend, he needs to watch this video. Now. The story starts after this guy had his first date with his girlfriend and wrote in his travel journal 'I'm going...
'Is It Hot In Here Or Is It Just You?' Every Type of Boy You Meet On a Night Out

On a girls' night out, there's always some creep or other trying to get his hands on your number or a little more. Whether it's the thrusting pervert, the fully-fledged stalker...
'I'm SO Excited' To 'Out Of Hand Hen Dos': The 22 Stages Of Being A Bridesmaid

Being a bridesmaid is one of life's greatest honours right? Well yeah... kinda. From having to pay for everything to wearing THAT dress, the journey from engagement to wedding...
What Man Boobs Can Teach You About Body Confidence

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in women's body issues that we forget men sometimes have it bad, too. So when a guy posted a thread on Reddit about feeling "suicidal" about his...
18 Secrets Every Girl Keeps From Their Boyfriend

No one knows you better than yourself. Nope, not even your long term boyfriend. Of course he's privy to the important stuff but even years into a relationship, there are things...
From Pain To Lube: The Truth About Anal Sex

In today's society, anal intercourse has somehow managed to remain a taboo topic. How's that for irony? Never one to shy away from from all the gory details that come with sex...
Decode Your Boyfriend: 23 Things Men Think But Don’t Say

Men are smarter than we think. Men famously keep things to themselves (sometimes it pays to be an introvert) but that still doesn’t stop us from wondering what the hell is actually...
Don't Bother: 12 Sex Moves That SO Aren't Worth It

Let's face it, we're always on a quest to unleash our inner vixen. We obsessively read call girl confessionals and magazine sex tips and needless to say we're always gamed when...
15 Habits Your Man Should Have Before You Marry Him

Men have a checklist of requirements when it comes to finding their ideal wife (there's a shocker). So it's only fitting that we came up with one of our own. Why? Because we shouldn't...
Stage-Five Clingers? Drunk Eating? Naps? 21 Stages Girls Go Through On A Night Out

You know what we're like before a girl's night out but what about during? It all plays out in our memory like a movie... free booze, sleazy guys, perspiring drunks and the cheeky...
Secrets And No More Sex: The 10 Stages Of A Relationship Breakdown

When the good morning kisses start to wane and communication dwindles to nil, it might be signs your relationship is in jeopardy. It could be that somewhere along the road, you...
Decode Your Girlfriend! 23 Things Women Think But Don't Say

Ever wonder what your lady's really thinking? You're probably familiar with her body language by now - the eye roll, the hair flick, the eyebrow raise and the door slam? A woman's...
25 Secret Single Behaviours We're All Guilty Of

We have Carrie Bradshaw to thank for so many things, but one of our absolute favourites is her coining the term of SSB: Secret Single Behaviour. It's that stuff you do alone,...
17 Relationship Hang-ups You Need To Let Go Of

Unfortunately in this crazy old world there's a lot of pressure for your relationship to be 'perfect'. As a result, a lot of us end up scrutinising our relationships for the things...
This Is The Best Blow Job Tutorial You Will Ever Witness

Most people know the basics when it comes to blow jobs but what about when you want to spice things up? A quick Google will throw up all manner of suggestions which range from...
20 Things We've Learned From Past Relationships

A brutal break-up can often serve up countless life lessons. Sure it's painful in the moment but once you've recovered, you realise there's no need for regrets. So because we...
15 Reasons You Should NEVER Make a Sex Tape

If you're thinking about making a sex tape, don't. While we're far from prudish, the risk involved in filming an erotic escapade is enough to keep us blushing. Just spare yourself...
28 Signs You're Addicted To Stalking Your Ex

With the advent of Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, it's pretty easy to keep tabs on the people from our past. But sometimes occasionally checking up on the ex can turn into a...
Been There, Done That! 10 Types Of Guys We've All Dated (But Really Shouldn't Have)

We've all dated the guy who's treated us badly, taken us for granted and ultimately broken our hearts. But don't let a crappy experience put a downer on your love life. You need...
31 Times Your BFF Has Annoyed the Sh*t Out of You

Your closest friend is more than just a friend - she's free therapy, a Personal Stylist, a Professional Complimenter, the shoulder you snot on when you're crazy upset, a sis from...
Pubes, Cum and Sweat: The Not-so-sexy Things About Sex

We’ve all got that one friend who seems to have the best sex of her life every time. You know, the one you want to punch in the face. We get that sex can be the best thing ever...
20 Stages We Go Through When We Get Engaged

Getting married is probably one of the most exciting times in a woman's life (aside from meeting One Direction... because obvs.) When we finally get that gorgeous rock on our finger...
21 Things We'd Definitely Do If We Were Boys

Beyonce was onto something when she hit number one with her man-shaming hit If I Were A Boy, we mean, the woman is ALWAYS right. We like her thinking and have come up with twenty-one...
Guys, THIS Is What A Woman REALLY Means When She Says...

Women are pretty easy to understand right? Pfft nah. We admit it, a simple conversation with our boyfriends can turn into a total minefield for them if they're not careful. We'll...
16 Reasons We Really Want A Girlfriend

Aren't girlfriends awesome? That was the exact thought we had this morning when we realised how incredible we are to our (sometimes) undeserving boyfriends. So we got to thinking...
Forgetting His Wallet? And Asking To Kiss You? 35 First Date Fails All Women Can Relate To

First dates can be nerve-racking. Heart pounding, palms sweating and a wealth of questions going through your mind. Then he commits one of these date crimes and you've got your...
20 Things Boyfriends Do Unintentionally That Piss Us Off

Our boyfriends mean the world to us, we swear. So it's with absolute love that we share these words: sometimes they can really piss us off! We know it's not always their intention...
25 Reasons Why Being An Alpha Male A**hole Will Get You Nowhere

Alpha Males think treating women like dogs is the only way to get our attention. The funny thing is, they actually believe women can't get enough of them! Us girls would rather a nice...
20 Reasons You Should Definitely Date A Nerd

Nerdy guys are SO under-appreciated! They gave us things like the internet and the iPhone and yet so many women would rather date the butch guy they spotted at the gym. Sigh. Ladies...
Why Having The Same Partner Forever Is The Key To A Happy Sex Life

The word forever sounds daunting, right? Well, stop being such a cynic. Having the same partner for the rest of your life doesn't have to be a scary, all consuming and suffocating...
Protein Shakes And Nandos? 26 Signs He's A Basic B*tch

Yes we enjoy our spiced-pumpkin lattes at Starbucks and unremittingly watch Sex and the City every Sunday night but we’re not the only ones falling victim to basic bullsh*t. Boys...
25 Signs You're In A Dead End Relationship (and Need To End It Now)

We've all in been one of those relationships that's just a bit - how do we put this? Crap. Whether you've had your doubts from the beginning or things have taken a turn for the yawn...
When You're Not His Only Girlfriend: Dealing With Friends His Girl Mates

Let's face it, finding a good man can be hard. So when we do come across a catch, we women can sometimes get very territorial. We protect and defend our relationship with the...
30 Things Men Wish Women Knew: The Secret of What Men Want - REVEALED

Having trouble relating to your beau? Don’t understand why you're always clashing? Being the opposite sex is complicated enough as it is, but if we made the effort to communicate...
The Friend Zone: How To Be 'Just Friends' With A Flirt

We all have those friends who are natural flirts but what if your friend is way too into you? Some people say men and women can't be just friends, but we can definitely try! If...
13 Rom-coms That Totally Lied to Us About Life and Love

What girl doesn't love a night in with a glass of wine and a good romantic comedy (cheesy as it may sound)? However sweet and heartwarming rom-coms are, there are some that just...
Would You Have Sex With Paul Rudd? 7 Reasons You Really, Really Should

Lets not beat around the bush. Paul Rudd is a total effing babe. Like a fine wine, cheese, or any man with a good bone structure and a beard, getting older has done nothing but...
10 Real-life Secrets To A Happy Marriage

Let's make one thing clear: marriage ain't easy. The fairytale you've witnessed in movies is just that - a fairytale. In real life, relationships and marriages take an extreme...
20 Trust Building Tips That Will Help Improve Your Relationship

Trust is the single most important facet of any successful relationship. Without it, you're pretty much doomed. We know it can be difficult to place all your faith in a partner...
If Superheroes Were Our Boyfriends: The Honest Truth

Movie superheroes are hot, strong hunks, always ready with a pithy line of dialogue and a concerned girlfriend on their arm. We've got superhero fever right now what with all...
Man Or Boy? Find Out Which One You're Dating

Having perennial issues in your relationship but can't seem to put an end to it? The reason is simple. He may not be ready to become a man. It's amazing that no matter what age...
Why Hugh Jackman Is The Best Man On Earth

We have come to the conclusion that Hugh Jackman, of X Men, Wolverine and Les Miserables fame, is literally the best man in the whole world. All evidence points to it, and here...
10 Reasons Why Carrie Should Have Chosen Aidan Over Mr Big

We know SATC ended happily ever after, but sometimes we get to thinking, wouldn't it have been great if Carrie ended up with Aidan over Big? Sure Big was The One but Aidan was...
The Best Striptease Songs To Get Him In The Mood

When it's time to get down for a naughty striptease, the mood to be just right. From the ambiance to the lingerie, we demand nothing but perfection for our lover. Number one on...
How To Tell Your Friend Her Boyfriend is Hitting On You

This is a conversation no one wants to have, but unfortunately, sometimes guys can be dirty dogs, especially the ones you least expect. You've likely spent weeks trying to convince...
The 10 Golden Rules Of Maintaining A Successful Sex-buddy Relationship

Welcome to the age of hook-ups. Many men and women are choosing to forgo the pain and hassle of relationships and are instead opting for no-strings-attached sex buddies. Why?...
All The Things Women Should Never Put Up With In A Relationship

There’s always something our boyfriends do to annoy us. One minute we’re loving and laughing and the next minute we’re packing our stuff. Why? Because there’s some things guys...
25 Annoying Things Men Do In Bed

Men, they watch so much porn they've got to be officially amazing in bed. Watch and learn right? Wrong. The female body is way more complex than just putting the right part in...
The Secret To Letting Loose: 20 Ways To Boost Your Sexual Confidence

All women are at least little self-conscious when it comes to sex. A flood of questions come to mind when getting down to it; Do I look fat? Are my boobs saggy? Will he notice...
10 of The Best Reasons To Have More Sex

It's no secret sex is one of the greatest gifts to human kind. And no, not just from a pleasurable standpoint. There are tons of hidden reasons why the horizontal tango is great...
How To Be A Bridesmaid On A Budget

Bridesmaid in a friend's upcoming wedding? Don't let her big day break your bank. We have 15 ways for you to save a pretty penny in the midst of wedding madness. You can thank...
20 Signs It's Time To Drop That Man-Child

During the honeymoon stage, it can be easy to let little things go because he seems pretty much perfect...but just give it a few months. If he is still the great guy you thought...