All articles - Health and Fitness
The 8 Surprising Benefits of Eating Blueberries You Never Knew

Search through any #cleanandlean and #eatinghealthy hashtags and what do you see? Blueberries. Ever-y-where. In the health and fitness world these tiny berries from North America...
Simone Anderson Shuts Down Haters With Brave Before And After Weight Loss Photos

You're damned if you do and you're damed if you don't. Eleven months ago Simone Anderson, a makeup artist from New Zealand, started documenting her weight loss journey on social media...
10 Ways You’re Burning Major Calories On Holiday Without Even Knowing It

We all know holidays are the perf excuse to eat and drink everything in sight without even an inkling of guilt. Yeah, you end up eating the restaurant out of complimentary breadsticks...
14 Incredible Benefits of HIIT Every Girl Needs To Know

We’ve got to that time of year again. The weather’s warm and we want to get fit, but only if it involves sunbathing and eating barbecued food all summer long. It feels almost...
Inspirational Tips To Get Your Weight loss Mission Started

So 2015 is the year, the year you are going to get fit and stay fit. And to help you on your weight loss journey, we have put together a list of motivational quotes and tips to...
The Only Squat Workout You Need To Get A Bigger Butt

We don't know if we're just being pervs but knowing how to get a bigger butt is pretty much all we can think about right now - and it's not just us. More and more women are lifting...
Sweat Your Way To Good Health! 7 Hot Yoga Benefits You Need To Know

Who'd have thought stretching your limbs and ohm-ing in a sauna-hot room for 90 minutes could do such amazing things for your health? Turns out, it really CAN. From increasing...
Zero Calories & A Healthy Heart: 8 Awesome Benefits of Black Tea

Who doesn’t like a rich cup of tea first thing in the morning? It’s the first thing we think about when we wake up, the first thing we offer when someone's upset and the first...
Is Vegetarianism The Answer To Good Health? 8 Benefits Of Being A Vegetarian

Thinking of becoming a vegetarian? Being veggie is a great way to improve your health. From fighting disease, boosting your immune system to helping you lose weight going full...
What Is Mindfulness? 10 Tips On How To Clear Your Mind

Most of the time we start our day with a grunt; dragging ourselves out the door still half asleep, beforeeither going through the motions of our day without even noticing what...
Going Gluten-free? 10 Top Tips On How To Go Gluten Free

If you're thinking about making the transition into a gluten-free life, we're here to help. In honour of Coeliac Awareness Week, we've rounded up our top 10 tips on how to go...
12 Fun Runs You Have To Try This Summer!

Giant inflatable sumo suits, Wipeout style assault causes and Subway foot-longs - these summer fun runs aren’t about racing against the clock but running for the sheer hell of...
9 Things You Need to Know About the Victoria's Secret Diet

From Adriana Lima admitting that she only drinks liquids a week before the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show to Karlie Kloss revealing she doesn't believe in diets, the eating and...
Why Diet Pills Should Be Banned and The REAL Secret To Weight Loss

The so-called 'miracle supplements' that many of us hope to shift those extra few pounds are nothing more than a fast-track ticket to the grave. Don't believe us? Sofem investigates...
Sweet, Juicy & Delicious: 7 OMG Health Benefits of Peaches

Lets face it, peaches are a godsend to mankind. It's no wonder Roald Dahl wrote an entire book based on them. The fuzzy fruit is not only tasty but also carries a wealth of charac...
5 Types Of Good Carbs To Eat For A Healthy Balanced Diet

When most people hear the word "carbohydrate," a red flag goes up and they run in the opposite direction. Many of us panic about gaining weight if we consume too many carby foods...
How To Stop Sleep Paralysis And Prevent Those Nightmare Hallucinations

It's 3 a.m. and you wake up to feel the weight of someone pressing against your chest. You panic, unable to move or fend off this intruder. Seconds go by, though it feels like minutes...
Combat Anxiety, Improve Creativity And Boost Brain-Power: The 10 Benefits of Meditation

The majority of us are mentally multi-tasking our way to an early grave. We don't need to stress you even more by listing the reasons why, it's obvious: life is hard. But CEOs...
From Training To Race Day: How I Survived My First Marathon

How can anyone run 26.2 miles? And YES the point 2 IS important! The thought itself seemed impossible but I went ahead and signed up to Brighton Marathon 2015 anyway. Here's how...
How to Relax: 20 Tips For Easing The Mind and Body

Being able to relax seems like a non-complicated process, but it's actually not as easy as you might think. With lives that grow more hectic by the day, so many of us barely ever...
The Detoxing Hero: 6 Incredible Health Benefits of Lemons

Trying to eat a lemon is like tasting sour Haribos for the first time: sour and unpleasant. Unlike sour Haribos however, the taste doesn't get better as you continue eating this...
15 Things You Need To Know About Sam Smith's Secret Weight Loss Weapon

Sam Smith dropped a ton of weight in the last few weeks and he looks amazing BUT what gave him his new chiseled physique? Ladies, we know his secret! Sam credits his new svelte...
Channel Your Inner Ballerina! 10 Awesome Benefits Of Ballet Workout

The more you sweat the more you lose, right? Wrong. With ballet inspired workouts there's no need to fret over post-gym sweat. These trendy new moves come with some amazing benefits...
Superfood Of The Earth? 10 Amazing Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

Wanna know a superfood that's proven to give you everything and MORE? We've found it. Matcha green tea is more than just a superfood. It's powerhouse of antioxidants gives you...
26 Life Hacks To Instantly Make You Happy

Wanna know how to be a happier person with little-to-no effort? Just a few small changes and happiness CAN well and truly be yours. From waking up earlier to giving up dieting...
Crush Your Cravings! 6 Foods That Keep You Fuller For Longer

So it happened: You just ate a full meal and suddenly you're hungry again. As frustrating as it can be, it's not the end of the world. Luckily, there are many foods out there...
The World's Healthiest Food? 10 Reasons You Can Live Off Avocados Alone

This delicious, creamy superfood is just too good to pass up. With over 25 nutrients and an infinite number of benefits for your skin, hair and health it's not surprising that...
12 Things Only Fit Freaks Have To Deal With

Losing weight and getting toned isn't the reward trip people think it is. Of course, we love seeing results, but as they say 'no pain, no gain'. Think us gym goers have it easy...
Stay Young! Everything You Need To Know About The Hormone Diet

Wanna turn back the hands of time naturally, effectively and quickly? No need to 'hor-moan' ladies! This new diet will have you feeling energetic, young and happier than you've...
Why Staying Up Late Can Be Toxic For Your Health

Every morning, I wake up wanting to curl up in the cocoon I made for myself with my duvet and go straight back to sleep. I snooze my alarm at least three times and chug down several...
How To Fall Asleep Fast! Sleep Solutions For Every Type Of Person

Want to go to sleep without fiddling endlessly scrolling through social media? All we want is to get to bed, so we teamed up with sleeping expert, Alison Cullen, who gave us all...
Getting Back To Nature: Everything You Need to Know About Rewilding

Rewilding, the latest craze heating up the health and fitness world, is all about living a feral lifestyle and bringing you back into sync with nature and animals, supposed to...
Lose Weight Without Exercise! Best Hobbies To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Dying to get into shape but don't have the time or the patience to make a start? From tending your garden, learning to thrift or getting familiar with a stripper's pole, when...
10 Lifestyle Hacks On How To Strengthen Your Immune System

Feeling stuffed up and sniffly? Sounds like your immune system needs a boost. Help keep your health in tip-top condition by trying these simple and easy lifestyle hacks that will...
Too Cold To Exercise? Top 10 Ways To Exercise At Home!

If it's feeling too frosty to do the morning jog why not switch up your routine and dominate your workouts at home? From stretching out with resistance bands to using free online...
The Healthy Buzz: 10 Top Superfoods You Need To Try This Year

They're not called 'super' for no good reason. Keep eating healthy simple. From antioxidant rich black rice to nutritiously tasty coconut, we've rounded up the top 10 superfoods...
10 Instagram Accounts to Follow for #Squatspiration

From Jennifer Lopez to Nicki Minaj, beautiful bottoms and toned thighs are everywhere. Though we know beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes, with fitness junkies all over...
5 Reasons You Need To Sleep Naked

Believe it or not, in 2015, there are still some folks who clutch their pearls at the thought of sleeping naked. Which is unfortunate for them because they're really missing out...
The Ultimate A-Z Of Diets: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

If you're on a weight loss mission then where do you start? With what you eat of course. Healthy eating is so important to a healthier body but there are so many diets and advocates...
Boutique Fitness: The New Trend You Need To Try This Year

Bored of the same mundane gym exercises? Craving something new and inspiring for 2015? With demands of more effective fitness routines we've finally seen the rise of a brand new...
The Best Songs For Running: Your January Playlist 2017

Heavy breathing, lazy feet and legs like lead, those are just some of the things that NO runner wants to be up against when they’re clocking the miles. If it’s a valuable distraction...
The Berry Superhero: 10 Amazing Benefits Of Cranberry Juice

When we think of cranberry juice most of us automatically think urinary tract infections (UTIs). Glam, we know, but, you'll be surprised to know what else this super drink can do...
A Glass Of Wine Is The Equivalent To Downing Three Shots of Vodka

Wine, the new working age binge? Next time you think yourself classy for opting for a nice glass of red, think TWICE. NHS Chief, Duncan Selbie warns adults to start clueing up...
Wanna Lose Weight Fast? Try The 8-hour Diet

Ladies get rid of your diet books and throw away those diet pills, THIS is the new trick to fighting flab! New research has found that restricting your eating times to an 8 hour...
Tasty & Good For Your Health? 12 Amazing Benefits Of Cinnamon

We love cinnamon for its nostalgic holiday scent and drool-worthy sticky bun recipes BUT that's notall this spice has to offer, it's amazing for health and well being too. From...
The Gift Of Life: 14 Good Reasons To Donate Blood This Season

Do something amazing and donate blood this holiday season. Now more than ever blood donations are needed in the run up to Christmas and people all across the country need your help...
17 Things People Who Are Starting A Diet Know To Be True

Starting a diet can be a b*tch. Whether you're on the 5:2, a 30 day Eat Clean challenge or are just trying to switch up your eating habits, most of us know that trying to eat...
The Kitchen Queen: 10 Amazing Benefits of Turmeric

Turmeric does A LOT more than just make our curries taste good. For thousands of years turmeric has been used across Asia for it's amazing medicinal properties. From easing upset...
10 Things You Didn't Know About The Insanity Workout

If you could transform your body in just sixty days would you do it? Hell yeah you would. That's what Insanity is all about. From burpees to sprints to push ups, and everything...
Crash Dieting May Not Be As Bad As You Think

The most common misconception about dieting? 'Crash diets are no good for keeping off the weight', apparently! But don't be so quick to judge, this new study might just change...
A Healthy Tummy, No More Colds & Beautiful Hair? The 10 Amazing Benefits of Ginger

Ginger isn't just good for adding zing to your meals, it's also pretty amazing for spicing up your health too. From detoxing ginger baths to tummy ache fighting teas, ginger has...
A Glass Of Wine Just As Calorific As a Doughnut?

It's Friday, which for us usually means a BIG glass of wine after work, but maybe these figures will change your mind. Doctors say a large glass of wine contains about 200 calories...
Prostate Cancer Risk Reduced By Having More Sex With MORE Women

Seven in one men are diagnosed with Prostate cancer every year, but we never thought this could influence their outcome. I think we’ve heard it all now… Good news for all the...
17 Ways To Boost Your Energy Naturally This Season

As the clocks take a backward turn this month many of us are going to feel the effects of shorter days and darker evenings. From comfort eating to feeling under the weather and...
Is Sunshine Your New Fast-Track Ticket To Weight loss?

Ladies, bin your slimming pills and your crazy diet fads, we've got something even better to help. According to science, soaking up some rays could help you stay slim! The best part...
Why Celery Is About To Be Your Go To Health Food: Veggie May Help Prevent Cancer

If you’re a lover of crunchy celery sticks this will come as good news! Celery might be just what you need to protect you against cancer. Yep, you heard us. New research has found...
Be Confident! How To Be The Strongest Version Of You

Many of us have moments of insecurity and low self-esteem but don't let it get you down! Confidence isn't as difficult as people make it out to be. There are TONS of pick-me-ups...
Time To Quit: Here's Why You're About To Give Up Soda

Got a coca-cola addiction? Science has confirmed that, your innocent bottle of soda could be doing you more harm than good. According to the new stats drinking carbonated drinks...
The Undervalued Superfood: 11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Mushrooms

National Mushroom Day is not only for the mushroom fans out there. Mushrooms have powerful effects on your health. Heck, many even consider it a miracle food! With immune boosting...