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Coronation Street 23/09 - 29/09 - Is The Game Up For Will?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Saturday 23rd September - Friday 29th September. SPOILER ALERT! Michelle is surprised when Leanne and Steve join forces to help her nail Will...
Coronation Street 09/09 - 15/09 - Phelan Puts His Plan Into Action

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Saturday 2nd September - Friday 8th September. SPOILER ALERT! Anna is horrified to discover that Faye and Seb have run away and sets about trying...
Coronation Street 02/09 - 08/09 - Robert Tells Michelle Not To Come To His Hearing

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Saturday 2nd September - Friday 8th September. SPOILER ALERT! A weak and ill Andy begs Phelan to take him to a doctor but is terrified when...
Coronation Street 30/08 - Gary's Family Are Divided

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 30th August. SPOILER ALERT! Jenny and her bridesmaids meet with the dressmaker. But when Rita accidentally spills coffee down Gemma’s...
Coronation Street 28/08 - Gary Has A Lot Of Making Up To Do

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 28th August. SPOILER ALERT! Neither having heard a word from him, Sarah and Izzy fret over Gary, praying that he’s safe and well. Sarah...
Coronation Street 25/08 - Jude Overhears Mary's Big Secret

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 25th August. SPOILER ALERT! As Bethany does Mary’s makeup, Mary admits she’s not proud of lying to Jude about her sham wedding. Jude...
Coronation Street 23/08 - Chesney's Panic Attacks Worsen

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 23rd August. SPOILER ALERT! Sinead frets over Chesney, convinced he hasn’t been himself since the attack. Fiz suggests they check on him...
Coronation Street 21/08 - Chesney Suffers A Panic Attack

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 21st August. SPOILER ALERT! When Eileen confides in Nicola that Phelan’s behaving strangely, Nicola assures her she’s nothing to worry about...
Coronation Street 18/08 - Gemma Is Arrested

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 18th August. SPOILER ALERT! Alya’s intrigued when she witnesses Gary collecting a certificate of health from the medical centre. Cornering...
Coronation Street 16/08 - Eva Departs

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 16th August. SPOILER ALERT! As Norris goes to open up, he’s horrified to discover a break in. As the police survey the ransacked Kabin...
Coronation Street 14/08 - Adam Sees Eva In A New Light

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 14th August. SPOILER ALERT! As Aidan coos over the scan photo, Eva’s wracked with guilt, telling Leanne her plan has gone far enough...
Coronation Street 11/08 - Has Eva Been Found Out?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 11th August. SPOILER ALERT! When Fiz spots Daniel chatting to Sinead, her suspicions are aroused, especially when she clocks her putting...
Coronation Street 07/08 - Michelle's Plight Tips Robert Over The Edge

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 7th August. SPOILER ALERT! Michelle’s not returned home, worried sick Robert leaves a message on her phone begging her to get in touch...
Coronation Street 04/08 - Michelle's In Danger

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 4th August. SPOILER ALERT! Having observed how well Steve and Leanne are getting on, Liz wonders if they’ve a future together. Meanwhile...
Coronation Street 02/07 - It's Decision Time For Dev

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 2nd August. SPOILER ALERT! When Dev reveals his plans to expand his kebab shop empire and offers Erica the job of project manager...
Coronation Street 31/07 - Robert Resorts To Drastic Measures

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 31st July. SPOILER ALERT! Having spoken to the police, Robert tells Michelle that Rich has a cast iron alibi and couldn’t be the vandal...
Coronation Street 28/07 - Robert And Michelle Realise They're Being Targeted

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 28th July. SPOILER ALERT! Toyah tells Leanne that she’s got an appointment with her IVF consultant. Gail summons Leanne toNo.8 and begrud...
Coronation Street 26/07 - Is Life About To Change For Billy And Todd

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 26th July. SPOILER ALERT! Robert’s worried as table after table cancel their bistro bookings. Daniel shows Robert the article in the...
Coronation Street 24/07 - It's All Change At The Rovers

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 24th July. SPOILER ALERT! As Toyah admires her name over the Rovers’ door, she rubs her tummy and tells Peter she’s got a good feeling...
Coronation Street 21/07 - The End Is In Sight For Bethany

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 21st July. SPOILER ALERT! Sarah thanks Craig for giving Bethany the courage to seek professional help. When Craig admits he intends to...
Coronation Street 19/07 - Luke Leans In To Kiss Ayla - Will She Respond?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 19th July. SPOILER ALERT! Forming a plan, Adam instructs Eva to borrow Aidan’s paperwork regarding the flat purchase. On Adam’s advice...
Coronation Street 17/07 - Aiden's Blackmailed By A Desperate Adam

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 17th July. SPOILER ALERT! In order to raise some cash for the deposit on the flat, Aidan decides to sell his car. Eva feels guilty but...
Coronation Street 14/07 - Craig's Playing With Fire

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 14th July. SPOILER ALERT! In a desperate bid to gather evidence against Nathan, Sarah and Gary confront Mel at the tanning salon and...
Coronation Street 12/07 - Bethany Swears Craig To Secrecy

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 12th July. SPOILER ALERT! Aware that leaving her beloved pub will be a huge wrench, Sean presents Liz with a lucky charm to take with...
Coronation Street 10/07 - Kevin's Pushed To The Brink

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 10th July. SPOILER ALERT! Dev excitedly reopens the shop. Finding it hard to share his enthusiasm, Erica reluctantly agrees to hand out...
Coronation Street 07/07 - Erica And Kevin Make Use Of Dev And Anna's Absence

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 7th July. SPOILER ALERT! Whilst Billy frets about Summer, wishing there was something they could do, Todd secretly forms a plan. Handing...
Coronation Street 06/07 - Ava's Revenge Has Only Just Begun

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Thursday 6th July. SPOILER ALERT! At the funeral, Summer delivers the eulogy. When she breaks down, Billy comes to her aid but Summer’s dismissive...
Coronation Street 05/07 - Billy And Todd Pay Their Last Respects To Drew

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 5th July. SPOILER ALERT! Michelle is shocked by what Robert tells her about his past. Michelle hugs Robert as he fights back the tears...
Coronation Street 03/07 - Chesney Gets Caught In The Crossfire

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 3rd July. SPOILER ALERT! After a heart to heart Chesney and Sinead agree to give their relationship another chance and Chesney decides...
Coronation Street 30/06 - Eileen And Nicola Reel From Phelan's Bombshell

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 30th June. SPOILER ALERT! Eileen’s suspicious of Phelan as he sets off for work, reminding him not to forget her driving test. At the...
Coronation Street 26/06 - Will Eva Catch Aiden And Maria?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 26th June. SPOILER ALERT! After crushing Maria’s secret mobile into the pavement, Aidan takes Maria back to the flat, determined to prove...
Coronation Street 23/06 - Anna And Kevin Make Up, But Not For Long...

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 23rd June. SPOILER ALERT! Anna apologises to Kevin for being a nightmare lately and vows to make it up to him. But when she finds a condom...
Coronation Street 21/06 - Geraldine Tells Billy And Todd They're Not Welcome At Drew's Funeral

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 21st June. SPOILER ALERT! As the police hunt for Bethany, Neil does his bit to ensure the Platts are kept in the dark. Will Bethany...
Coronation Street 19/06 - Bethany Goes Missing

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 19th June. SPOILER ALERT! Sarah heads out leaving Bethany to look after Harry. Bethany’s upset to think she may never see him again but...
Coronation Street 16/06 - Is Aidan's Secret About To Be Blown?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 16th June. SPOILER ALERT! Daniel’s crushed when Sinead refuses to talk to him. Meanwhile in the bistro Robert’s taken aback when Rich...
Coronation Street 14/06 - Kate Discovers The Truth About Johnny

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 14th June. SPOILER ALERT! Kate confronts Johnny demanding to know what’s going on. Johnny admits he’s been diagnosed with MS, he doesn’t...
Coronation Street 12/06 - Maria Gets In The Way Of Eva's Romantic Plans

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 12th June. SPOILER ALERT! Doing her best to contain her excitement, Eva tells Aidan to meet her in the bistro later, confiding in Leanne...
Coronation Street 09/06 - Shona Takes Her Secret To The Grave

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 9th June. SPOILER ALERT! Gail tells David that she is concerned he is getting too close to Shona and that it is too soon. Shona confides...
Coronation Street 07/06 - Shona's Got Some Explaining To Do

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 7th June. SPOILER ALERT! It’s Bethany’s birthday and she feels a pang of guilt as they spoil her. Craig is delighted when she lies...
Coronation Street 05/06 - Bethany's Still Under Nathan's Spell

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 5th June. SPOILER ALERT! Sarah and Gary do their best to try and convince Bethany that Nathan is a monster but she will hear nothing...
Coronation Street 02/06 - Bethany's Rescue Has Unforseen Circumstances

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 2nd June. SPOILER ALERT! David, Shona, Sarah and Gary race to the tanning salon as Shona explains to them what has been going on they...
Coronation Street 01/06 - Shona Warns David That Bethany Is In Trouble

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Thursday 1st June. SPOILER ALERT! A furious Nathan punishes Bethany for her drunken behaviour. Contrite he then apologises and tells her he...
Coronation Street 31/05 - Nick's Hopes Of Survival Are Sinking Fast

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 31st May. SPOILER ALERT! As Nick is sucked deeper into the quicksand, he pulls out his mobile but drops it and watches in anguish...
Coronation Street 30/05 - Shona Pushes Nathan Too Far

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Tuesday 30th May. SPOILER ALERT! As Ken faces up to his attacker he demands answers. Is Ken in danger? Pointing out that Peter and Steve aren’t...
Coronation Street 29/05 - Has Nick Said Too Much?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 29th May. SPOILER ALERT! His memory returning Ken pieces together the argument he had on the night of his attack. Ken realises in horror...
Coronation Street 26/05 - Steve Tells Michelle Peter And Toyah Are Buying The Pub

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 26th May. SPOILER ALERT! Daniel tells Sinead he’s going to stay at his old flat for a few days as his landlord is demanding he redecorates it...
Coronation Street 24/05 - Gina Confesses To Sally She Was Her Internet Troll

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 24th May. SPOILER ALERT! Back at home Sinead reveals to Daniel how Ken talked her into having an abortion. The police then question...
Coronation Street 22/05 - Daniel Fights With Adam

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 22nd May. SPOILER ALERT! Daniel crams in some last minute revision. Ken asks after Daniel but he’s shocked when Sinead snaps back at him...
Coronation Street 19/05 - Sarah Holds The Key To Bethany's Freedom

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 19th May. SPOILER ALERT! As Bethany sets off to the wedding fair to meet Sarah, Nathan pulls up in his car and orders her to get in....
Coronation Street 17/05 - Bitter Nick Puts Leanne On The Spot

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 17th May. SPOILER ALERT! Nick is furious after hearing how Leanne went round to Chloe’s, nailing her colours to Peter’s mast. As the...
Coronation Street 15/05 - Peter's Gutted To Learn Toyah's True Feelings

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 15th May. SPOILER ALERT! Tracy tells Peter that she has the money to buy the Rovers so as a result he and Toyah will be able to go ahead...
Coronation Street 12/05 - Michelle And Steve's Issues Have Repercussions

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 12th May. SPOILER ALERT! Michelle’s cut to the core when she overhears Steve telling Liz he’s taking OIiver to the beach for the day...
Coronation Street 10/05 - Sally Unwittingly Keeps Her Enemy Close

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 10th May. SPOILER ALERT! Finding Gina’s address on the electoral register, Sally and Tim pay her visit. Sally’s appalled at the state...
Coronation Street 08/05 - Is Maria Cut Out For Life As A Mistress?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 8th May. SPOILER ALERT! Eva’s loved up after a great night with Aidan but when he receives a text from Maria he sneaks out. As they meet...
Coronation Street 05/05 - Maria Takes Aiden Down

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 5th May. SPOILER ALERT! Hurt by his recent lack of interest, Eva tells Aidan she won’t be accompanying him to his business lunch. Overhearing...
Coronation Street 03/05 - Bethany's Well And Truly Trapped

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 3rd May. SPOILER ALERT! Nathan remains cold towards Bethany, determined to make her suffer. So when Mel pulls out a ring box, revealing...
Coronation Street 01/05 - Bethany's Made To Feel Like The Guilty Party

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 1st May. SPOILER ALERT! Amy’s unimpressed to find herself staying at a cottage in the Peak District. Sending her out to get some fresh air...
Coronation Street 28/04 - Bethany Slips Into An Abyss

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 28th April. SPOILER ALERT! As Bethany prepares for her date with Neil, Nathan assures her she’ll have Neil eating out of her hand. Determined...