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Coronation Street 26/04 - Rosie Makes A Shocking Discovery

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 26th April. SPOILER ALERT! With Bethany in earshot, Nathan fakes a call to his bank, feigning financial problems. Mel lies to Bethany...
Coronation Street 24/04 - Tracey's Feeling The Strain

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 24th April. SPOILER ALERT! Amy confides in Tracy that she hates Ken as he refused to lend her the money to buy the florists, Tracy’s...
Coronation Street 21/04 - Adam Is Arrested

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 21st April. SPOILER ALERT! Adam is arrested for the attempted murder of Ken. Peter, Daniel and Tracy are all equally shocked. The police...
Coronation Street 19/04 - Nathan's Shady Influence On Bethany Increases

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 19th April. SPOILER ALERT! Adam takes Amy for lunch but when he starts questioning her about Tracy’s movements on the night of Ken’s...
Coronation Street 17/04 - Shona Is Shocked To Learn David's Secret

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 17th April. SPOILER ALERT! When Shona finds herself in the Platts house she can’t resist having a snoop round. But when Gail and Sarah...
Coronation Street 14/04 - Rosie And Sophie Take Action

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 14th April. SPOILER ALERT! Steve calls on Michelle and telling her how much he still loves her, begs her to attend marriage counselling...
Coronation Street 12/04 - Tim Fears Someone Is Planning An Attack On Sally

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 12th April. SPOILER ALERT! As Tim worries about Sally she paints on a smile, adamant she’s going to fulfil her council duties. Flanked...
Coronation Street 10/04 - Maria Makes A Heartfelt Confession To David

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 10th April. SPOILER ALERT! When Tim discovers that Sally’s reactivated her social media accounts, he’s furious, worried she’s putting...
Coronation Street 07/04 - Fate Comes Calling For Peter

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 7th April. SPOILER ALERT! Peter broods over Ken, hurt that he could possibly suspect him of attempted murder. When the doctor tells Ken...
Coronation Street 05/04 - Daniel's Ghosts Come Back To Haunt Him

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 5th April. SPOILER ALERT! Simon’s gutted when Peter lies that he dropped his phone in a puddle and had to chuck it away but he’s mollified...
Coronation Street 03/04 - Sinead Is Bottling Things Up

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 3rd April. SPOILER ALERT! Ken comes round in hospital. He’s aghast when the police inform him that someone attacked him and left him for dead...
Coronation Street 31/03 - Sally's Troll Oversteps The Mark

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 31st March. SPOILER ALERT! While Sally prepares for her radio interview, Rosie gets offered even more money for the glamour shoot. Sophie...
Coronation Street 29/03 - Rosie's Torn Between Job Offers

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 29th March. SPOILER ALERT! Rosie and Sophie are perturbed to overhear Kevin admit to Anna that his money troubles are so bad he may...
Coronation Street 27/03 - Will Ken Push Peter Off The Wagon?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 27th March. SPOILER ALERT! Devastated by Peter’s apparent betrayal, Toyah takes comfort from Leanne. Peter begs Leanne and Simon to hear...
Coronation Street 24/03 - Anna Orders Seb To Stay Away From Faye

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 24th March. SPOILER ALERT! As Peter helps Toyah with her IVF injection she tries to bury her suspicions about the money. Meanwhile when...
Coronation Street 20/03 - Sinead Tells Ken She's Pregnant

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 20th March. SPOILER ALERT! In the bistro Robert admits he overheard Daniel’s conversation with his lecturer and congratulates him on...
Coronation Street 17/03 - Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Cold For Michelle

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 3rd March. SPOILER ALERT! Leanne and Nick row over her plans to allow Steve access to Oli. Gail advises Nick to walk away while he still can...
Coronation Street 15/03 - Bethany's Falls Deeper Into Nathan's Trap

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 15th March. SPOILER ALERT! Bethany panics when Sarah insists on taking her to the doctors for contraception (she has already had the...
Coronation Street 13/03 - Bethany Gives Nathan A False Alibi

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 13th March. SPOILER ALERT! Mel seeks out Bethany, telling her Nathan’s been wrongly arrested for assault and needs an alibi. Worried he...
Coronation Street 10/03 - Peter's Plan Backfires

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 10th March. SPOILER ALERT! Toyah’s upbeat as she tells Peter she’s going to book them into the IVF clinic and start the ball rolling....
Coronation Street 08/03 - Adam's On Borrowed Time

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 8th March. SPOILER ALERT! Ken’s furious with Adam for taking his car without permission and goes hunting round his flat in search of...
Hollyoaks 06/03 - Diego Suggests That He And Myra Move To Spain

Hollyoaks Episode Guide - Monday 6th March. SPOILER ALERT! John Paul and Ste are downbeat as they open their decree absolutes. Harry reveals that he’s organised a divorce party...
Coronation Street 06/03 - Amy Gets In The Way Of Adam's Plan

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 6th March. SPOILER ALERT! Adam distracts Mary and helps himself to £100 from the flower shop till. Tracy angrily informs Ken that Adam’s...
Coronation Street 03/03 - Sinead Makes A Shocking Discovery

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 3rd March. SPOILER ALERT! Fiz tells Chesney he was wrong to sell Sinead’s belongings and she thought better of him. Feeling guilty about...
Coronation Street 01/03 - Chesney's Revenge Backfires

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 1st March. SPOILER ALERT! Realising Chesney’s meeting with Sinead didn’t go well, Gemma suggests it’s time he had his revenge. When...
Coronation Street 27/02 - Sally Learns Some Home Truths About Her Girls

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 27th February. SPOILER ALERT! As Rosie and Sophie clean the kebab shop windows, the builders working nearby watch admiringly. When Norris...
Coronation Street 24/02 - Baby Olly Is Welcomed To The World

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 24th February. SPOILER ALERT! When Michelle confides in Steve that she’d like to try for another baby, Steve admits the idea scares him...
Coronation Street 22/02 - Michelle Tries To Move On

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 22nd February. SPOILER ALERT! As Toyah cuddles the baby, Leanne announces that they’re calling him Oliver. Clearly the proud Dad, Nick...
Coronation Street 20/02 - There's New Life On Coronation Street

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 20th February. SPOILER ALERT! Peter explains to Ken how desperate Toyah is for a baby and persuades him to lend him the money for a consul...
Coronation Street 17/02 - Bethany Plays With Fire Out On The Time

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 17th February. SPOILER ALERT! Having heard a report on the radio about the missing teenage girl, Sarah warns Bethany to be extra vigilant...
Coronation Street 16/02 - Bethany Has Good Reason To Fear Nathan

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Thursday 16th February. SPOILER ALERT! As Bethany sets off for school, clearly in a good mood, Sarah muses to Gary that making videos with her...
Coronation Street 15/02 - Bethany Realised How Much She Needs Nathan

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 15th February. SPOILER ALERT! When Rosie overhears Brian complaining that someone dug over the allotments in the night, she realises...
Coronation Street 13/02 - Can Daniel Keep His Cool?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 13th February. SPOILER ALERT! Daniel and Adam both entertain their lady friends at the flat but Sinead feels Daniel might be moving too...
Coronation Street 10/02 - Chesney Takes The Fight To Daniel

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 10th February. SPOILER ALERT! Following her unexpected tryst with Daniel, Sinead realises she needs to talk to Chesney, meanwhile Adam...
Coronation Street 08/02 - David Is Intrigued By Shona

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 8th February. SPOILER ALERT! Adam winds Daniel up about his lack of experience with women so when Sinead asks Daniel if he would like...
Coronation Street 06/02 - Leanne Reels To Learn About Nick's Plans

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 6th February. SPOILER ALERT! With things still tense between him and Anna over the compensation claim Tyrone adds to Kevin’s woes by reminding...
Coronation Street 03/02 - Ayla Fails To Halt Jenny's Rise

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 2nd February. SPOILER ALERT! In a bid to try and sort out her sister’s love life Leanne secretly replies to a text from ‘Fred’ on Toyah’s...
Coronation Street 01/02 - Can Toyah Give Up Her Dreams For Peter?

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 1st February. SPOILER ALERT! Stunned to find out Toyah has kept her IVF attempts a secret from him Peter wonders what other lies she...
Coronation Street 30/01 - Toyah Reaches Breaking Point

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 30th January. SPOILER ALERT! Toyah is devastated when Peter tells her he doesn’t want any more children. Her husband Toby calls to see...
Coronation Street 27/01 - Peter Pushes Nick's Buttons

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 27th January. SPOILER ALERT! Leanne tears a strip off Nick for his lack of sensitivity towards Liz. As Nick and Leanne continue to row...
Coronation Street 25/01 - Steve And Michelle Say Goodbye

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 25th January. SPOILER ALERT! Steve enters the Chapel of Rest to find Michelle asleep on a chair. Steve gazes emotionally at Ruairi’s...
Coronation Street 23/01 - Grief Takes A Worrying Hold On Michelle

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 23rd January. SPOILER ALERT! When Steve suggests they could drive out for lunch, Michelle snaps at him, telling him the only person she...
Coronation Street 20/01 - Andy Tries To Beat Phelan At His Own Game

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 20th January. SPOILER ALERT! As the police question Kevin about the fire, Steph points out to Tyrone that Kevin would be unlikely to burn...
Coronation Street 18/01 - Peter's Stunned By Steve's Bombshell

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 18th January. SPOILER ALERT! As the fire investigator sifts through the charred remains of the garage, he finds a set of keys. Kevin...
Coronation Street 16/01 - Phelan Sets Andy His Most Dangerous Task Yet

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 16th January. SPOILER ALERT! Having flashed her underwear at Luke in the garage, Tracy heads off grinning. Meanwhile Phelan hangs around...
Coronation Street 13/01 - A Grieving Michelle Lashes Out

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 13th January. SPOILER ALERT! A devastated Steve and Michelle say their goodbyes to Ruairi. Steve confides in Liz that he blames himself...
Coronation Street 11/01 - Zeedan Sees Red Over Ayla's Disloyalty

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 11th January. SPOILER ALERT! Steve visits Michelle in hospital and is concerned to find her upset. Michelle explains her waters have...
Coronation Street 09/01 - Michelle Gets An Unwelcome Surprise

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 9th January. SPOILER ALERT! Michelle’s frosty towards Robert, leaving him bemused and wondering what he’s done to upset her. Michelle...
Coronation Street 06/01 - Aiden Keeps His Enemy Close...

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 6th January. SPOILER ALERT! Having been told to move out Jenny’s upset, while Gemma’s skeptical, assuming Jenny will only miss Johnny’s money...
Coronation Street 04/01 - Jenny's Plan To Topple Aiden Backfires

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 4th January. SPOILER ALERT! Johnny helps an upbeat Jenny move her things into his flat. Adam confides in Peter that Aidan tried to...
Coronation Street 02/01 - Aiden Makes An Enemy Of The Wrong Person

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 2nd January. SPOILER ALERT! Finding himself without Eva, Aidan goes to see Maria. She tells Aidan how hurt she was when he failed to show...
Coronation Street 01/01 - Anna Regains Consciousness To Find Phelan Above Her...

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Sunday 1st December. SPOILER ALERT! With the New Year celebrations in full swing, Phelan tells Eileen he’s going to head home as he’s still not...
Coronation Street 30/12 - Anna Has The New Year From Hell

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 30th December. SPOILER ALERT! When Seb calls at No.13 and invites Faye to his family’s New Year’s Eve party, Anna reluctantly lets her go...
Coronation Street 25/12 - Bethany's Secret Is Exposed

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Sunday 25th December. SPOILER ALERT! As Nick and Leanne exchange gifts, they’re taken aback when Toyah pulls up in her car and announces Christmas...
Coronation Street 26/12 - Bethany Moves Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 26th December. SPOILER ALERT! Loved up after his night in the hotel, Peter’s aware that today’s the day he must break the news of his...
Coronation Street 23/12 - Aiden Has A Choice To Make

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 23rd December. SPOILER ALERT! When Eva wonders why Aidan was so late home, he lies, making out he spent the night in the factory catching...
Coronation Street 21/12 - Aiden Gives In To His Feelings

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Wednesday 21st December. SPOILER ALERT! Kirk calls at the salon flat and is unimpressed to find Maria hungover and Adam in a state of undress...
Coronation Street 19/12 - Andy Sinks To A New Low

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Monday 19th December. SPOILER ALERT! When Gary confirms that he’s booked them a hotel for after the gig as a treat, Sarah’s thrilled whilst Bethany...
Coronation Street 16/12 - David Makes A Shocking Discovery

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Friday 16th December. SPOILER ALERT! As Phelan lies unconscious in a hospital bed, Eileen confides in Todd that Anna’s been sending him hate...
Coronation Street 15/12 - Phelan Suffers Poetic Justice

Coronation Street Episode Guide – Thursday 15th December. SPOILER ALERT! When Phelan assures Eileen he had a gentle word with Anna, Eileen softens towards him. Clearly seething...