All articles - Women in Focus
Meghan Markle and Doria Ragland: our favorite mother-daughter duo!

Meghan and Doria were reunited earlier this month for an official ceremony in Kensington Palace.It is undeniable that the two have a very strong bond. As such, Doria couldn't...
10 golden rules for successful holidays with your friends

Golden rules for successful holidays with your friends Of course you love your friends, and you regret not being able to see them more often the rest of the year. That's why you...
How can you keep the house hygienic?

How to keep the house hygienic Love it or hate is, cleaning is a fact of life - and no matter how much you loathe rubbering up in those marigolds, we'll bet you'll loathe bacteria...
Decision-making: A guide for the indecisive

Decision making for the indecisive How can I best tackle this problem? Should I go for that promotion? Who should I ask to work with me on that project? What should I wear this...
We're Getting A New Poo Emoji And It's The Sh*t

Nothing express our unwavering immaturity quite like the poop emoji - the one shaped like a serving of soft-serve ice cream, smiling like a lunatic. So big is the humble turd's fame...
Women’s Rights Worldwide: Top 10 Feminist Countries

We all know being a woman is the best thing on earth, but having a womb and a lack of Y-chromosones can make the world a pretty tough place at times, and although things have improved...
This Mother Shared An Honest Account Of Her Life Before 9AM And We're Shook

Mums: we don't know how you do it tbh. Sleepless nights, stinky nappies, feeding (sometimes multiple) hungry mouths, all while running a household at the same time; being a mother...
The Reason Why Women Are Sharing Photos Of Their Bellies

On this day, women everywhere are lifting up their tops, baring their bellies, scrawling female-related health conditions across them and sharing their photos on social media...
This Cross-Eyed Blogger Has An Important And Inspiring Message For Us All

We all suffer bad days when we wish 'if only I could change that, tweak this, swap that' - we're only human after all. But it's high time we quit focusing on what we'd like to...
Bride-To-Be Shut Down A Body-shaming Personal Trainer In The Best Way

Engaged or not, the pressure to be the picture-perfect bride is very much alive and, like it or not, many of us fall victim to society's paradigm of the skinny woman in white...
Toying With The Idea Of A Career Change? You Can Now Earn £28,000 By Masturbating

There comes a point in all of our lives when we hit the snooze button on a Monday morning, praying to silence it forever. But deep down we know we have to force ourselves out...
Picture-proof Toned AF Personal Trainers Have Cellulite, Too

With all the retouching, photoshopping and Facetuning saturating our social-media feeds, it's easy to take everything we see for face value, including the impossibly flat stomachs...
This Male Boss Sent A Sexist Email About His Female Employee, Accidentally Copied In The Whole Office

Sexism in Hollywood is no secret, from actresses being fat-shamed to the massive disparity between male and female co-stars - but just because it's out there in the open, it doesn't...
Rihanna's Body Transformation In Pictures

Our girl Riri has gone through a pretty awesome body transformation recently and to be quite honest, we're all here for it. Now, if only all weight gains were treated like this...
Women Are Squishing Their Boobs Into Hearts On Social Media For No Apparent Reason

I'm all for body-positive trends, although I'm yet to be so brave as to publicise my many imperfections on social media, but the latest one doing the rounds is a little more contr...
Tess Holliday Has A Few Things To Say About Robbie Tripp's 'Curvy Wife' Tribute

Robbie Tripp's Instagram pic dedicated to his 'curvy wife' made the Internet hella mad mostly because of the congratulatory nature of the post, namely the bit where he brings...
Hilary Duff Proudly Shows Off Cellulite And Body Flaws In Real Bikini Photo

Instagram is normally synonymous with picture-perfect images - airbrushed and filtered within an inch of their lives - but not if you're Miss Hilary Duff. The star has shared...
A Transgender Man Has Given Birth To His First Baby

A 34-year-old transgender man, who documented his pregnancy on social media, has given birth to his first baby. He is among the few transgender men in the world to give birth...
This Husband's Note To His Wife And Her 'Curvy Body' Is What Romance Is Made Of

Next time you're on the hunt for a new boyfriend, make sure you compare him to Sarah Tripp's husband, Robbie. He took to Instagram this week to praise his wife and her beautiful body...
'Tattoos Don't Define The Person': Nurse's Son Says You Shouldn't Judge Her By Her Ink

Tattoos in the workplace has been long debated. Is it freedom of expression? Or should they be covered up during your nine-to-five? Jordan Miller argues that a person's body art...
This Fitness Instagram Star Wants You To Stop Being So Self-critical

It's easy to be critical of yourself when you're just a double tap and scroll away from Instagram perfection. But French blogger Louise Aubery isn't having any of it. In her latest...
Tesco Are Going To Pay Our Tampon Tax So We Don't Have To

Hooray! It's a good day to have a uterus because Tesco is the first retailer to pay the 5% tampon tax, meaning our sanitary products will finally be cheaper. Ok so they're still...
A London Bar Is Asking For 'Extremely Attractive' Staff Only And Twitter's Not Impressed

A new jazz bar in London advertised for waiting staff to come and work for them, but there was one stipulation to the job: "unfortunately", you had to be extremely attractive...
Blogger Tells People "It's Cool To Be Real" In Honest Instagram Pic Of Her Stomach Fat

Fenella Scarlett McCall doesn't care much for misleading Instagram pics. She also doesn't care much for the more traditional rules of losing weight. All Fenella wants to do is...
Transgender Activist Bleeds Through Trousers In Public To Prove 'Men Have Periods Too'

Being caught off guard and bleeding through your clothes when you're on your period and in public is a nightmare situation most women pray they never have to endure. But one perio...
Ginger Sperm Donors In High Demand As The Want For Redhead Babies Rises

It can't be ignored: redhead babies are the cutest. And ginger adults are the hottest. So it's no wonder that women looking to become mothers are in search of more ginger sperm...
Turns Out Skipping Your Lunch Break Is Adding Some Serious Time Onto Your Working Year

If you think about it, really think about it, when was the last time you took a proper, hour-long lunch break? Went out in the sun, brought yourself a fancy sandwich. Listened...
This Woman Cut Her Husband's Balls Off Because She Refused To Have Morning Sex

Non-consensual sex is no laughing matter so you can imagine the ordeal of having a man repeatedly demanding to have sex when you really don't want to. Imagine this man is your...
Good News Gals! Someone Has Finally Created A Beer For Women

Oh em gee ladies, isn't it just like, the literal worst when you go to a pub and you don't fancy a prosecco and there's no Aperol spritz and only beer left, but ew! It's beer...
This Woman Was Forced To Breastfeed Standing Up On A Train After No One Offered Her A Seat

Using public transport is stressful at the best of times but when you're travelling with children or pregnant, it's can be unbearable. Spare sympathy for this mother, then, after...
Midwife Shares Photo Of Period Blood-stained Uniform After She Was Too Busy To Change

It's no secret medical staff are stretched beyond belief but now one Swedish midwife has revealed the shocking reality of an understaffed maternity ward in a candid post which...
A Woman In Saudi Arabia Is Being Investigated By Police For Wearing A Mini Skirt

A Saudi woman recently posted a video of herself on Snapchat, appearing to break the country's strict dress code. The young woman - who is reportedly a model - was filmed walking...
Plus Size Model Tess Holliday Celebrates National Nude Day Like A Boss With A Very Cheeky Photo

Tess Holliday isn't one to hide her curves away simply because beauty norms tell her she should. She's all about embracing her fuller figure and breaking the mould and her latest...
Mum-of-three Proves There's An Ugly Side To Every 'Picture-perfect' Instagram Photo

Whether it's a selfie, work pass or group photo, it can be so hard to find the angle in which you look best. The struggle is real, you guys. But once you've got that angle, BAM...
Imagine Being So Immature That You Complain To HR About A Colleague Being On Her Period

Ah, periods. They make us cancel our social plans, eat the earth, break out, bloat out and lash out but you know what makes them ten times worse? Someone - a man - complaining...
Cards Against Humanity Make Fun Of Pink Tax With Pricey 'For Her' Edition

Cards Against Humanity is their name, offensive is their game. And they're back at it with their new version of the game - a pink edition, made just for us ladies. I'll let you...
Women Now Need Permission To Get An Abortion In Arkansas

Whilst we continue to take steps forward in our fight for equality, there's always something or someone that forces us to take massive strides backwards. Case in point: Arkansas...
This 26 Year Old With Wrinkles Is Teaching Us To Love Our Bodies

In today's women-are-the-best news, allow me to introduce you to Sara Geurts - a 26-year-old body-positive advocate who is championing the mantra that "each imperfection you have...
This Woman Posts 'Unflattering' Pic To Show Her Daughters Why She Loves Her 'Bubblegum Belly'

The process of having a baby isn't always the easiest, especially when it comes to your self confidence. With so many changes to your body, it's easy to become upset about any...
This Plus-size Model Bravely Confronted A Man Who Sent Fat-shaming Texts About Her

For 'every men are the worst' story there's a 'women are the best' story to restore our faith. This latest viral tale of body-shaming involves elements of each and both parties...
This Model Gave Up Living On '500 Calories A Day' To Embrace Her Natural Curves

When food is life it's hard to imagine restricting your calorie intake or denying yourself of your fave snacks, but that's the sad reality for lots of models today, who need to...
This Woman Was Forced To Leave Her Apartment Pool For Wearing A Swimsuit

And today in bullsh*t us women have to put up with: this 20-year-old woman was ejected from her own apartment's communal pool for wearing a one piece swimsuit, because "there...
We Can't Deny It, 'Thunder Thighs' Is Our Summer Jam

You can stop releasing songs now Justin Bieber, 'cos we've already found our summer jam and it's perfect. New York rapper Miss Eaves has released her new song 'Thunder Thighs'...
This Woman's Daughter Called Her Fat And She Responded In The Most Inspirational Way

We all know that when it comes to kids, they're our harshest critics. They have no filter, and when they say something, my god do they mean it. Like us, kids sometimes say things...
Woman Has To Explain To Female Airport Security Guard What A Tampon Is

As 21st century women with easy access to female sanitary products it's all too easy to forget that, despite that pesky tampon tax, we're actually the lucky ones. This is a idea...
New Mum Shares Honest Photos Of Her Post-Baby Belly In A Bid To Help Women Embrace Theirs

Learning the ropes, running on no sleep, up to your eyeballs in nappies - becoming a mum is hard enough without the added pressure of losing the baby weight and bouncing back...
Irish Teenager Is Sectioned After Asking For An Abortion

It seems crazy that in this day and age, some women still are unable to have an abortion if they should need one, but sadly that is still the case in Ireland, where abortion is...
This Artist Creates Paintings From Her Menstrual Blood To Highlight Period Poverty

Zoe Ward bleeds for her art - literally. Now, most people say art is subjective, but there's no denying that Zoe's latest painting is made from menstruation. Yep, that's definitely...
YAS! Science Says Plus Sized Women Are Having A Positive Impact On Our Mental Health

We all know the scarily thin women on the catwalk and fashion spreads don't resemble women IRL, but that doesn't stop us comparing ourselves to them and feeling hella bad as a result...
Women Are Asking To Have Their "Bra Bulge" Surgically Removed And We're Very Confused

We all have parts of our body that we don't like. Be it cellulite, stretch marks, hip dips - the list goes on - but this is one we've never heard of before. Women are so unhappy...
The #JiggleForJoy Movement Will Make You Learn To Love Your Lady Lumps

We've all sat and scrolled through Instagram and wondered how many ab crunches/ miracles it would take to look even half as good as these otherworldly #fitfam women. Especially...
Woman Frankly Explains Why We Shouldn't Feel Like Sh*t If Our Boyfriend's Got A Better Body

The pressure for women to achieve and maintain a perfectly-proportioned size 8 body is more rife than ever but can you imagine just how inferior you'd feel if your partner was...
The Hottest Summer Trend Is The Visible Belly Outline, And Here's The Proof

While social media may have its flaws when it comes to promoting body confidence ('fit fam' ab spam anyone?) sometimes we can rely on it for the body positive boost we all need...
This Girl Dumped Her Jerk Boyfriend After He Commented On Her 'Cellulite' In Bikini Pic

The sign of a good boyfriend is being able to wear anything in front of them and they still think you look great. You could be wearing a bin bag, tied round the waist with some...
This Teenager Is Teaching Us A Valuable Lesson In Body Positivity After Facing Her Biggest Fear

In a world where women are bombarded with unrealistic beauty ideals, we welcome preachers of body-positivity with open arms. Teenagers may get a bad rep 'cos hormones but this...
This Model Was Sacked For Being On Her Period And It's Not Okay

Our monthly curse, also known as periods, are never easy to deal with at the best of times but spare a thought for Rachel Rickert. The model was unfairly shamed and fired from...
Good News Ladies: A Period Emoji Is Coming

No matter how many emojis appear on our phones, we always want more. Whether it's a merman or a unicorn, we just can't get enough. And now Plan International are campaigning for...
Instagram Account 'Tampons In Beautiful Places' Turns Taboo Into Art

Us ladies know the beauty of tampons - although definitely not a luxury item, they give us a comfortable period that many other girls in the world don't get to experience - and...
Vegan Bloggers Are Teaching Women How To Stop Their Periods Through Dieting

We women all know that periods suck. They're uncomfortable, they make us moody and force us to eat a million cupcakes against our will. But they're a natural part of life, so we deal...
This Artist Creates The Best Middle Finger Up Response To The Thigh Gap

We are all perfect in our own way and nothing makes us happier than inspiring females celebrating that fact. Or poking fun at those unrealistic ideals which try and question it...