New Zealand mother Zoe Ward, 24, creates works of art out of her period blood. Now, I'm not sure that's something I'd want hung on my wall on a warm summer's day, but the intimate art is all for a good cause - Zoe created 'An Expensive Habit' to demonstrate how many women need tampons but struggle to afford them.
"There are many people out there that must make the decision each month between bread for lunches or a packet of tampons," Zoe told the Mail Online.
"Regardless of one's financial position, be it a result of bad choices or not, everyone should be able to access these basic necessities. Mothers should be able to go to work without having to resort to rolled up socks and toilet paper."
This was something that Zoe experienced firsthand. One might wonder how Zoe managed to produce so much blood to create a whole piece of art, but at one time she found herself on a period for six months straight. As a single mother, she would often go without food so she could feed her daughter, afford tampons and continue with her university studies.
And Zoe couldn't care less if people think her art is gross. "To be honest, I don't care at all about what you have to say about me or if you dislike my art," she said in a Facebook post. "What I do care about is that people are agreeing with this political stance to make menstrual products more accessible."
She's got a point there. In many countries, tampons are still classed as a luxury item and taxed accordingly, and despite women bleeding from the beginning of time, periods still remain a taboo. So if Zoe has to make period paintings to get your attention, let the woman bleed for her art!
What do you think of Zoe's art? Let us know! @sofeminineUK
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