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17 Slogan Mugs That Just Totally Get It

by Tolani Shoneye ,
17 Slogan Mugs That Just Totally Get It

Mugs might not be the most celebrated kitchenware, but they really should be.​ Yes wine glasses have the uncanny ability to make you feel classy even when you're drinking from the box and hashtagging #coffeporn on Insta' shots of our favourite latte cups will forever make us feel alive but the mug? ​The mug has long gone forgotten and we think it's just plain WRONG.

We're going to come out and say it, mugs are seriously underrated...

The humble glassware is always on hand to hold our juice/water/soup/cakes when we can't be arsed to do the washing up, and even make great gifts when you have literally no idea what to get someone. (Dad, we're looking at you.)

What we also love about mugs is that they get us, just have a look at how these slogan mugs completely understand life's struggles.

Slogan Mugs © etsy
Slogan Mugs
See album

What's your favourite mug? ​Tweet us @SofeminineUK

​This article was written by Tolani Shoneye. Tweet her @tolly_t

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