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25 Game-Changing Ways To Eat Doughnuts

by Tolani Shoneye ,
25 Game-Changing Ways To Eat Doughnuts

If you didn’t already have it marked out in BOLD, this week it’s National Doughnut Week. Now not only can you eat doughnuts for breakfast/lunch/dinner without being at all judged, but doing so will actually help raise money for The Children’s Trust. So to get you in the mood for one of your favourite weeks of the year, here are 25 game-changing ways to eat doughnuts.

Move along cupcakes, doughnuts are our new favourite.

1. Fill it with vanilla cream

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Brown Eyed Baker

2. Layer on Nutella and colourful sprinkles

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Cooking Classy

3. Make it dark chocolate and orange flavoured

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Lakyn + Judah

4. Add some peanut butter

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© How Sweet It Is

5. Invite apple cider into the mix

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Buns In my Oven

6. Make it into a giant cake

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Sugar Hero

7. Infuse some fresh strawberries

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© A Happy Food Dance

8. Top with crushed Oreos

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Handel The Heat

9. Enjoy it with a custard filling

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© kwestiasmaku

10. Add popping candy. Popping candy makes everything better

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Instagram Ms_Jwong

11. Make it into an ice cream sandwich

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Tastespotting

12. Top it off with some bacon

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Serious Eats

13. How about making it into a tasty cereal

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Hummingbird on High

14. Make it pretty in pink

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Maison Cupcake

15. Have the best of both worlds and make a doughnut muffin

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© BHG

16. Don't get no better than a chocolate cake doughnut

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Pastry Affair

17. Add coconuts into the mix

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Epicurious

18. Make it into a strawberries and cream sandwich

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Barbara Cooks

19. Dip it into some chocolate sauce

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Baker Bettie

20. Make it pretty with petals

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© twiggstudios

21. Mix in some M&Ms

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© DonutForgetToLift

22. Use it to spread some love and kisses

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Krispy Kreme

23. Use doughnuts to pimp up cupcakes

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Bakers royale

24. Make it into cute Disney characters

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Oh My Fiesta

25. Enjoy it in it's glazed perfection

25 Wonderful Ways To Eat A Doughnut© Epicurious

How will you be celebrating National Doughnut Week? Tweet us @SofeminineUK

This article was written by Tolani Shoneye. Tweet her @tolly_t

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