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Unbelievably, Half Of Men Don't Know Where The Vagina Is

by Helen Turnbull ,
Unbelievably, Half Of Men Don't Know Where The Vagina Is

In today's men-are-the-worst news, a new study has found that 50% of biological males can't locate the main female sex organ on a human body which is all sorts of worrying.

The Eve Appeal - a gynaecological cancer research charity - recently took it upon themselves to test the gynaecological knowledge, specifically regarding female genitals, of a portion of the male population and the results are shocking.

The study asked the 1,000 participants to mark the vagina on a medical drawing of the female reproductive system i.e. the vagina, vulva, cervix, ovaries and fallopian tubes with only exactly half of the sample size successful in their efforts, meaning 50% of the men surveyed didn't know where the vagina is on the female body or what it looks like. It's a worrying result but we're relying on the 32,304,317 other men in the UK to defy these stats.

The study has been published by the Eve Appeal ahead of next month's Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month which aims to educate the population - both male and female - about the signs and symptoms of gynaecological cancers as well as raise awareness. The main takeaway of this most recent research highlights the fact that if we don't know where the vagina is, how can we be sure everything's a-OK down there? Especially, when you consider the fact that your sexual partner is the person who comes into direct contact with your vagina most often.

What's even more unnerving is the fact that many of the men and women surveyed about their gynaecological health admitted being embarrassed about talking to a doctor or partner about any issues down there. Half of the men surveyed said they wouldn’t feel comfortable chatting about gynaecological issues with a female partner. Meanwhile one in five women said they wouldn't go to the doctor if they had abnormal vaginal bleeding - a main symptom of many of the cancers in the reproductive system - and a shocking 15% even admitted they'd avoid seeing a GP if they found a lump on their vagina.

"These survey results show shockingly low levels of awareness of the symptoms of gynaecological cancer among both men and women," The Eve Appeal’s chief executive, Athena Lamnisos, said. "We know from the many calls that we receive at The Eve Appeal from men, that they can play a vital role in identifying the symptoms of gynaecological cancer, prompting their partners to visit the GP. Early diagnosis really is key and can save lives."

She added: "This is not about having better sex. It’s about men helping women to look after their health. Gynae awareness and taboo busting are all of our responsibility, men and women alike."

If you, or your partner, senses something's not right with your reproductive organs, we advise visiting your GP. If you'd like more information, contact the charity’s Ask Eve service on 0808 802 0019 or at nurse@eveappeal.org.uk.

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