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You Can Now Buy Blusher For Your Vagina To Stop It Going Grey

by Helen Turnbull ,
You Can Now Buy Blusher For Your Vagina To Stop It Going Grey

I don't know if you know but your labia - the most visible bit of your bits - loses its fleshy-pink shade as we get older. Good news then that one make-up brand is here to do away with such vaginal insecurity, one pigmented pot of blusher at a time.

In news you could probably do without hearing today, our vaginas grey, much like our hair, as we age. But fear not, one make-up brand has come up with the ultimate solution: a blusher-like product that apparently 'restores the youthful colour back to your labia' because losing the rosy hue of our lady gardens is what we fear most about old age, right?

My New Pink Button is a pigmented pot of temporary dye that comes in four different shades: Marilyn (the lighest shade, for fair-skinned ladies), Audrey (a “bold burgundy pink colour”), Ginger (for darker skin tones), and Bettie (“for that sexy-hot-pink, ‘I am fired up’ look!”) It's a cream that you apply directly to your labia to give it a "pop" of colour for those times when it needs to look its best self.

My New Pink Button

Surprisingly, this latest attempt to cash in on women's never-ending list of insecurities was invented by a woman - a qualified doctor and aesthetician at that - who became so concerned by the discolouring of her own vagina, she was inspired to do something about it.

The product was stocked on Amazon but it's currently unavailable with its listing stating: "We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock," which we can only put down to the supplier realising it's 100 per cent unnecessary for women to dye their vaginas.

It seems our standpoint is shared by the 'reviewers'. I'll just leave this here...

"I'm so glad I've found this product. I didn't realise I was at risk of such a horrible fate. I am only 21 so my labia is still lovely and pink, but I had no idea it went grey. How foul. I've now started checking my vagina in the mirror every day to make sure it's still pink, and I've ordered a couple of tubs of this stuff in preparation for the day it all goes wrong.

I am eternally in debt to the genius who invented this stuff. WITHOUT YOU, I WOULD NEVER HAVE KNOWN THERE WAS ANYTHING WRONG WITH ME. IMAGINE THAT.

Just off to wax all my hair off. Wouldn't want to be a FREAK. Can you imagine having a grey labia AND pubes. Christ."

Is this beauty ideals gone mad or would you consider buying it? Let us know @soFeminineUK

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Helen Turnbull
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