There’s a stigma about young people and breast cancer. Young people just don’t believe it can happen to them. Yet, the reality is, it can and it does!
Everyday in the UK one person is diagnosed with breast cancer every 10 minutes but establishing what’s comfortable and ‘normal’ for you and your breasts, could save your life. Just ask the FORTY PERCENT of breast cancer patients that were diagnosed through self-examination.
But we get it, sometimes life gets in the way and it’s not all that easy to remember (in fact a hefty third of us don’t even bother to check our breasts). But we can't stress how important it is to make sure you set some time aside to do it. C'mon, it only takes a few minutes!
The key to self-examining is spotting changes in how your boobs look and feel. In other words get to know yourself! An easy way to remember to check is by choosing a day that’s easy to recall. Perhaps the last day of your period or even the first day of the month! Whatever it is, it needs to strike a note.
And don't worry it'll be even easier once you download the new app. The Keep A Breast App is your perfect companion to help you stay committed. It sets a reminder on your phone to help you remember and get you acquainted with your boobies! What's not to love?
Help us make a difference! Pledge your commitment to a monthly self-check by downloading the app and posting a #CHECKYOURSELFIE. All you have to do is place three fingers over your breast symbolising your commitment and post. Easy as!
Hey, a bit of TLC never hurt, right? The Sofeminine team takes the pledge...

Are you joining the campaign? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!
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