Too fat, too thin, too average, we'e all been subjected to appearance-based put downs at some point in our lives and TBH we're we've had enough. One woman is so over it in fact, she's decided to take society's image obsessed audacity into her own creative hands. What a boss.
Aussie artist Amy Herrmann has launched the 'Underneath We Are Women" campaign to help debunk body shaming and celebrate diversity in the female form and we heart her for it.
Speaking to Australian news network ABC News she said, "The aim is to photograph 100 women. Women of all walks of life, shapes, sizes and age, and photograph them in nothing but their underwear [...] with the end goal of showcasing the amazing diversity that is the female form.
"We are trying to teach people that what we see in magazines is not the real, diverse range that is actually out there — this huge array of women with amazing bodies."
Each of the images shows a happy, confident woman next to a powerful statement about their personality. Ranging from, 'I am strength' to 'I am tenacious'. Everything that should, in a perfect world, come above and beyond appearances.
As a mother of two girls, Amy goes onto explain the personal significance behind her project:
"I would love nothing more in this world, than to see them to grow up with a healthy appreciation for their body and its capabilities in life [...] and the beautiful and simple fact that we are all born differently. We are all presented with different experiences throughout our lives that gives us our forever changing and forever unique bodies." Touché!
Find out more about the campaign by visiting her crowdfunding page.

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