If we said she looks great for 41 we'd be lying. She looks amazing. Full stop. And now she's refusing to give into society's obsession with youth we love her even more.
In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, The Other Woman star said: "Women don't allow other women to age gracefully. And we don't give ourselves permission to age gracefully, everybody's judging."
The 41-year-old actress said that it's crazy that women are expected to look fresh-faced forever, especially in Hollywood when looking younger than your years is a red carpet requirement.
She added: "It is almost as if we have failed if we don't remain 25 for the rest of our lives. Like we are failures. It is a personal failure.
"It's my fault that at 40 years old, I don't look like I'm 25. Oh, I'm sorry. I apologise. I wasn't able to defy nature." Best non-apology ever? We think so.
Despite accepting she doesn't look the same as she did 20 years ago, Miss Diaz admits she feels pressure to remain looking young.
In the past, she's tried Botox but claimed it changed her face 'in a weird way' and instantly regretted her decision. "I'd rather see my face ageing than a face that doesn't belong to me at all," she said.
Finally, someone in Hollywood who wants to look their age! #thatsafirst
After penning her first lifestyle book, The Body Book, the actress-turned-author is more interested in eating clean, moving and caring for her body than obsessing over wrinkles. What can we say? There's definitely something about Cam!
Should society take a leaf out of Cameron's book and stop obsessing over youth? Join in the debate @sofeminineUK