We're getting ready to sign our names to a new petition which is urging the UK Department of Health to review the current care systems in place to help reduce pregnancy and infant mortality rates.
When you look at the figures, it really does start to chill. Every day in the UK, seventeen babies are stillborn or die shortly after birth. And the worst part is that many of these tragic incidents could be prevented.
We're right behind a petition started by a group of mothers who've all lost their babies. Their brave petition on Change.org is asking Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health, and other leading politicians, including David Cameron, Andy Burnham, Ed Miliband and Edwin Poots, to undertake a review and improve the current care system.
The women, known as The Seventeen, say: "We have all met through common tragedy on a website that allows us to share our experiences and support each other through the most challenging period in our lives, it is through our shared information that we realise the current system of prenatal care delivery is sorely lacking and a review of the current system of care could significantly reduce the number babies lost every day.
"A review of the current education and monitoring of pregnant women is urgently required. The taboo of pregnancy and infant loss is imbeded within the current healthcare system with the majority of women never being told the warning signs of foetal distress and significance of reduced movements by their healthcare provider.
"The delivery of information regarding the warning signs of foetal distress should be standardised and disseminated nationally to all pregnant women as a matter of course."
The petition is also championing more ultrasound screening and a review in the third trimester for al pregnancies, not just those deemed high risk. These changes could help saves lives and enable more families to return home from hospital with their babies rather than without them.
Add your name to the petition now. And share this post with others. Together we can make this change.
Are you a mum? Have you been effected by the current care system in the UK? Tweet us @sofeminineUK