H/T to the incredible Tumblr PoorMichelle.
1. When no one told her to pout
2. When she was forced to wear trousers
3. When she had the clumsiest entrance at the Superbowl
4. When she was facing the wrong way
5. When her hair didn't catch majestically in the wind
6. When this meme told truths
7. When this seemed accurate
8. When she was not happy that hers was the only doll wearing trousers
9. When we assumed how it would go down if Destiny's Child went on the Titanic
10. When this guy hilariously threw shade
11. When this happened to their album
12. When she had to fight to be seen
13. When she rode on the underground but no one cared
14. When Twitter blocked her out
15. When she was finally centre stage and could NOT have been happier
16. When hers was the only Twitter account not verfied
17. When she wasn't allowed a bootylicious belt
18. When even Bing gave her a hard time
We love you really Michelle! Who is your favourite member of Destiny's Child? Tweet us @SofeminineUK
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