1. You laughed at this way more than you should
2. You own one or more fan t-shirts
3. You know every single one of the million characters (and their allegiances)
4. The Red Wedding hit you hard
5. You’ve never felt so sorry for anyone as you have Jorah Mormont
The man is deep in the friendzone with no chance of returning.
6. You have strong emotions towards George RR Martin
On the one hand he created Game of Thrones, yes. But did he really need to kill so many of our beloved characters? Oh, and he has two books to go, so there’s that as well.
7. You have genuinely wondered whether you’d prefer a dragon or a direwolf
8. You love Jaime Lannister so much that you’ve let the incest and attempted murder of a child slide…
Especially when he’s with Brienne. Sniff.
9. These figurines are the best way with which to decorate one's home
10. Monday nights are no time to be making plans. You already have plans.
11. You have already renamed your pet cat Ser Pounce
Ser Pounce will help out in EVERY situation.
12. If you see anyone reading the books you instantly make eye contact and indicate you too know what’s happenin’
13. You know what Jon Snow knows
14. Episode 9 is when sh*t hits the fan. It is known.
Get that video camera set up!
15. When you impulsively shout ‘Seven Hells!’ when you hurt yourself
16. You know more about the history of Westoros than…well…actual history
17. The same can be said for politics
We would have passed every exam at school if it was based on Westeros for heaven's sake.
18. Oh, and the weather
19. You have done many an online quiz
Bring it on.
20. You also know who should really be sat on the Iron Throne
Enough said.
Did any of this apply to you? Tweet us your nerdiest Game of Thrones fan moment @sofeminineUK