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THIS Is How Lady Gaga Does Christmas With H&M

by Tolani Shoneye ,
THIS Is How Lady Gaga Does Christmas With H&M© H&M

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett star in the new H&M Christmas advert in a 1940's style party where things get wild. Seriously, where was our invite?

We love a good Christmas ad, whether it's Monty the penguin or the M&S fairies, but the latest festive ad from H&M has got us super excited. Inspired by the 1940’s Big Band era, the advert shows Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett performing ‘It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain't Got That Swing) to a host of beautiful people dressed in H&M. The best way to show off their gorgeous new party wear collection right?

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett 2© H&M

We love the show of effortless glamour, festive celebration and of course the H&M Christmas collection and what's more we love Lady Gaga's huge head of hair. Those curls have got to making Cher green with envy. Plus, that oversized jumper worn by Lady Gaga belongs to my wardrobe. Oh and the white jumpsuit will definitely be my staple this party season.

Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett 3© H&M

As well as celebrating their Christmas collection with the music from Lady Gaga and Tony Bennett's number 1 album, Cheek To Cheek, H&M are also raising money for CARE which is a humanitarian organisation that raises funds for poor women and girls to fight against poverty. Fabulous fashion with celebrity glamour, great music and a cause we can get behind? No wonder H&M is our ultimate shopping destination list this season.

Watch the advert here, and prepare to feel festive.


“ Give that rhythm everything you got”!

What do you think of the H&M advert. Tweet us @SofeminineUK

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