Made In Chelsea kicked off with the announcement that Louise Thompson and Andy Jordan were an official couple.
Despite having only been on one date, that we saw, according to Andy they've "actually spent a lot of time together."
Unsurprisingly, Andy's friends Lucy Watson and Stevie Johnson appeared slightly wary of him jumping into something with Louise, as she only broke up with Spencer Matthews about a week ago!
But what we hadn't bargained on was just how happy they make each other. If we didn't know at the start of the episode, we certainly did by the end.
So then it was Louise's turn to convince her friends how healthy it was to be moving on so fast and how much Andy is not a rebound.

Thing is - he makes her really happy - "happier than in a long time."
The girls were of course thrilled for Louise, although perhaps slightly suspicious when she admitted how tempting and easy it would be to go and "f*ck things up" for Lucy and Spencer and their "sordid relationship."
But she's totally ready to move on!
So this sordid relationship, how sordid are we talking? Not very, if Lucy has anything to say about it.
After numerous discussions over the "casual" nature of their fling, Lucy was forced to ask Spencer exactly what that meant.
Spencer put it quite simply: "Lucy I'm single."
When she realised Spencer was still desperately sowing his wild oats anywhere he could she told him how "gross" and "disgusting" it was.
Safe to say Lucy and Spencer's view of what constitutes a casual relationship was not the same.
The pair meet again at Binky's barn dance (only on Made In Chelsea), where Lucy further explained to Spencer that if he wanted to play around she was not going to be a part of it.

The king of smarm hit her back with a royal line: "You know this only makes me like you more."
Maybe, as she kindly informed Louise, she is "different".
Louise, who attended the dance dressed as a milk maid who'd robbed her rich mistress’ coat, was happy as ever to see her new nemesis Lucy.
The pair had a fabulously passive aggressive chat over the apple bobbing barrel, with everyone's pal Stevie stood in the middle.
Lucy informed the Edinburgh student that she and Spencer weren't dating any more, to which Louise's response was a slightly odd, "well yeah you are."
A very grown up, "no we're not", "yes you are" argument ensued and the girls left the conversation with little more respect for one another than before - possibly less.
Louise - whose new boyfriend was absent from the party - then had a chat with her love rat ex.
She'd come prepared - she'd learnt of Spencer's intentions during one of those wonderful dates with Andy; full of cake and happiness and assurances that their relationship was a great idea.
Spencer kindly let Louise know that there were no hard feelings towards her or Andy. How big of him.
Understandably curious about his big change of heart, Louise asked why.
His response shows his levels of sensitivity to be akin to those of a hippo or a tank.
He said: "I'm just over it. I'm so over it."
Louise left the party crying. Well, it wouldn't be an episode of MIC Season 5 without some tears from Louise.
Meanwhile, Jamie Laing continued to show his maturity after admitting to Proudlock that he was jealous of his budding romance with Phoebe Lettice.
Biscuits - who dates Cara - doesn't want her, she just doesn't want Prudders to have her.
Later, Jamie and Phoebe appeared to be competing for who could be the most inappropriately flirty during their absurd non-date to the zoo - despite the fact he still has that girlfriend of his.
Not one to look a fool, Proudlock decided to call time on things with the Tatler fashion assistant.
He claimed it was down to work commitments - he's got a fashion label don't you know - but we have to say he looked pretty keen during their exhibition date.
Another relationship that came to an end last night was Ollie Locke's, who had lost his libido since he started dating the beautiful Ashley James.
Fundamentally, Ollie is gay and Ashley is a woman - some solid break-up material there.