A significant energy-shift means progress for you, but conflict could ensue. If you fully understand your true desires by the 10th, you’ll go much further and old fears will disappear.You’ll weave magic with workmates if you play fair and definitely aren’t blasé. Don’t let an authority figure attempt to undermine you either. By the 20th respecting others puts you in the driving seat…you’ll make the most of your chances with a positive outlook. Success comes from a renewed sense of purpose. Also it is wise to ensure instant gratification doesn’t rule any cash decisions. Any fortunes will be made with careful consideration.
Sex and Relationships
Various hidden strengths will be revealed – you’ll have an admirer firmly on your side. A relationship grabs your attention, so give it your best effort. An appealing character may impress, but realise where sexual fantasy ends and real connection begins. Romantic revelations show someone’s declaration is not all it seems and another’s is smoking hot.
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