Positive developments at work from the 4th renew your motivation and an unusual encounter instils greater confidence. However, feeling invincible could tempt you into hot water, so try to keep a check on potential rash moves. At the same time fear and self-doubt must not be allowed to take over. By mid-month realising you have made progress improves the odds when you need to take a gamble, and a victory is spectacular if you respect another person’s wishes too. You’ll access your own power, but a rebel on the scene could give you a run for your money. By the 25th old methods may need to be abandoned, and this will be fun...
Sex and Relationships
The spirit of romance is undergoing a makeover. You’ll show you mean business in relationships, especially from mid-month. Someone’s passion is larger-than- life, so banish your cynical streak and just believe in their approach. Relationships can seem all-consuming and even a so-called fling is likely to be intense. But you’ll know how to make this fun.
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