Plans have the power to win victories but resist control-freak temptations. You’ll see your options differently from the 8th, which is inspiring. By mid-month you’ll be ready for a scheme that stirs things up and even reviving old projects goes far. Ambition spurs you on but could send sparks flying with a boss around the 22nd… try to rein in some of your unbridled enthusiasm. Steer clear of distractions, however attractive, as you’ll score points and uncover hidden agendas. You’ll need to make sure personal business can’t impact on your professionalism. Keeping your own counsel is wise, yet some workmates help you be truly brilliant…
Sex and Relationships
Go with the flow in relationships as much as you can. You may be in the mood for depth in your encounters, yet breadth of vision will pay off. Romantic bombshells may be dropped and this puts you clearly in the picture, whilst also being surprised by what really appeals to you… Sizzling electricity proves that the mind has pulling power.
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