News at work gives you fresh inspiration and an unusual encounter builds confidence too.Feeling invincible, however, on the 12th could tempt you into tricky situations, so try to bedisciplined when it comes to possibly rash moves. At the same time self-doubt mustn’t takeover. From the 17th knowing you have gained new levels of wisdom makes the odds morerealistic when it’s time for a gamble. Your win is spectacular if you respect another’s wishes.Know your own power when a rebel threatens to give you a run for your money, and see thisas the gift it is too. By the 30th old methods won’t work, so speculate for kicks as well….
Sex and Relationships
Romantic feelings for others, and how you appreciate yourself, can be revitalised. You meanbusiness in relationships especially from midmonth. Someone’s passion is definitely larger-than-life, so beware of any cynical tendencies and just believe in it. Your personal life couldreally take off and even a so-called fling will be somewhat intense.
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