You’ll work miracles if you figure out, more thoroughly, why a particular direction has a compelling hold on you. Family and friends will become aware of your feelings and moving forwards now may mean revisiting the past. A unique offer is elusive, so try to pin it down.By mid-month intuition reveals which of your old goals are irrelevant. Discovering a secret gift sheds light on new success. Consider travel or retraining options, as risk-taking opens doors. However, communication requires effort and lateral thinking: benefit from a detour.Take your time over any purchases, yet shaking things up a little creates more security now.
Sex and Relationships
You’ll have a glimpse into the secrets of a major player’s heart, and emotions get surprisingly stormy… yet this is also a breath of fresh air. Commitment issues are being addressed and maturity has potent pulling-power. By the 29th you’ll find the solutions you need and your love life is entertaining… Also a sultry admirer keeps you on your toes.
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