A new era dawns for networking, yet you must also confront personal realities. By the 6thwords may seem cutting, so use your fine negotiating skills. On the 10th discussions go farand you’ll have much to reflect on in private. By midmonth secret fears may hold you back ifyou surrender to old demons, so recognise what exists purely in your imagination. You’ll wina self-esteem challenge, lapping up more than your share of the limelight. You can bediplomatic just now, but from the 19th it’s time to take aim and hit the bulls-eye. Others willsimply have to live with this. Your wisdom comes from deep within.
Sex and Relationships
Your popularity reaches new highs, bringing hot invitations; yet any sign of vanity willbackfire. You’ll do fine if you handle a hint of scandal wisely too. Apparently innocentconversations may lead to romantic confusion so discretion helps avoid a double-meaningstrap. You’ll need to conquer inhibitions - flirtatious moments are less trivial than you think.
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