You may be especially drawn to meditation, or other practices in the search for self-knowledge. Learning more about yourself consolidates your sense of direction. Ambitions have taken longer to realise than you had hoped, but from the 16th you’ll race ahead. Earlier setbacks have empowered you. The only pitfall is riding roughshod over others. Your workload is vast and varied, with stunning chances to expand. You’ll thrive on this, but avoid diversifying too much. All relationships - business or personal – come into focus. Make it your mission to breathe new life into them, and have fun exploring new and risqué ground.
Sex and Relationships
For some the chase is on, yet a catch may be nearly too hot to handle. Single or attached your encounters have an exotic edge, and a charismatic figure could blow you away. An admire may be fair game, but ensure that the rules are fair. Resist rash moves, as you are in charge of cupid’s arrow and an erotic journey has breathtaking views.
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