Exercise caution when investing time or money - you may get more than you had bargained for. By playing a long-game you’ll pull miracles out of thin air. Watertight planning is the aim mid-month, despite a fast pace, allowing little time to draw breath. Reassess your options,as cunning moves succeed and gain the ear of someone influential. Your imagination thrives on people and things that stimulate you, so be innovative and have fun. You’ll re-ignite your creative spark and love it. Yet risks are required for high returns. Enjoy other people and teamwork, as it helps your solo effort too. Great new contacts, especially foreign ones, are inspiring.
Sex and Relationships
Forget prevaricating over relationship decisions… if stalemate is declared, a wake-up call will follow. Taking a break may be the solution, and playful antics fan the flames. An encounter has the power to reinvent the rules of attraction, causing some mayhem. However, from the 24th you’ll suss out anyone else’s motives.
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