You are fired up to resolve material dilemmas, and new opportunities present themselves. You’ll have a burning desire to get to the bottom of certain financial differences. Wisdom reveals that cash issues represent deeper emotional dilemmas; you’ll overcome any difficulties and be in a stronger position. By the 21st the scene is set to invest in creative talents, which brings challenges and unlimited potential. Networking also pays off. By the 30th a bonus comes from clever use of your time, and your attitude to security is revolutionised in an area where once you played safe.
Sex and Relationships
Superficial romance just isn’t enough for you… A disagreement now puts you firmly in the picture with a person close to your heart, and someone amazes you with their pizzazz. By the 15th harmony reigns and your love life will have repercussions at work. A highflyer applauds your progress, demonstrating great mutual respect.
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