This June you’ll need to consider other peoples’ ulterior motives, and this includes thehandling of joint investments (of cash or effort). From the 6th keep your eyes peeled for amoney-making opportunity as it may take lucrative shape fairly soon. You are bound toappreciate the support from friends and workmates. By the 13th your goals are within reachand someone’s distinctive influence is challenging, but ultimately boosts your performance.By the 21st cash muddles can be cleared up and your communication skills are second tonone. However, someone is a touch contrary when they see you flying higher than ever.
Sex and Relationships
Allow the real you to be loved, and the good times will roll. So have no qualms at all aboutbeing spoiled by someone… However, a major energy shift means taking nothing at facevalue. You may engage intensely with an old flame, and even if it seems history is repeatingitself, there will be pearls of wisdom to discover.