Your reputation may well glow at work, but you could almost seem greedy, or a threat to those close to home. You’ll make a splash wherever your ambitions are strongest, yet around the 11th must not let secret fears become your worst enemy. And don’t beat yourself up if you feel less than perfect. Pacing yourself is the key to success mid-month, not to mention greater self-belief. You’ll realise you have allies and support that you didn’t know you could count on. By the 20th situations affecting the life/work balance reach a head and you will play a pivotal role. There is no reason to feel isolated - everyone wants you in their gang.
Sex and Relationships
Constructive discussions go far, yet a lover’s dream scheme is dangerously seductive. Aim to Strike a balance between commitments, while relationship decisions must be argued out.Love comes in mysterious forms, perhaps even more so when you have your eye on the long-term future. Soon you’ll know how things stand with those who really matter to you.