Self-belief will make more headway than you imagined possible, and around the 4th you can’t afford to miss a chance for self-promotion. Around the 14th you’ll be on track for some great results, but a little strategy is the key to major achievements. With a healthy dose of common-sense you’ll be on a winning track; you are up to any task you face. You can also expect a few dramas, perhaps involving colleagues, as your confidence grows. The 25th is a time of reckoning: what looks like instant success, you know has been carefully engineered...Avoid spreading yourself too thinly, or seeming over-confident, and then you’ll be on target.
Sex and Relationships
Try to take any new relationships slowly, as someone may be over-idealistic… Soon you’ll be surprised by a loved-one’s behaviour, or by unexpected electricity between you and a stranger... It’s vital to engage wholeheartedly and to know what you want. Appreciating all the simpler things will strengthen a special bond.
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