Your gift as a communicator makes headway in all areas of life, so make full use of this.Your powers of persuasion are formidable, but try not to overstretch yourself midmonth… an intriguing encounter deserves special care. Little stands in your way after the 14th and your use of tact makes your dynamism even more attractive. Handling other people well makes important inroads and also leads to valuable financial advice. By the 27th you’ll be free to gamble on pastures new. Your confidence soars, so keep involving others - someone recognises your strengths. If you are strategic, you’ll make the most of exciting new terrain.
Sex and Relationships
Being obsessed with a particular romantic ideal could work against you, as during February love has a destined quality that requires an open mind. Expect to attract admiration in someone close, or from another watching on the side-lines…. You will like how this makes you feel, but be extra cautious to avoid overplaying your hand.