When facing obstacles, positive thinking raises your game. Enjoy the challenge, and the excitement of uncertainty. It’s time to embrace your destiny at work and at play, especially after the 12th. A cut-to- the-chase attitude helps determine what job satisfaction really is.Your efforts will pay off and you’ll hit targets before Christmas. Soon your intuition will propel you forwards, even if others object at first... All areas of life are demanding, but you’ll rise to this in style. Just be aware that overspending isn’t necessary and mature money-management safeguards your future. Lucky windfalls are in fact the fruit of your labours.
Sex and Relationships
Strong emotions at this time of year are disconcerting, yet also enhance your love life. You’ll take off on a mission and conquer old relationship patterns; jealousy could rear its head too.With confidence and the guts to engage fully, you’ll succeed with loved-ones by ChristmasEve. You are admired, and a romantic mood renews your faith in the festive spirit.
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