There is a lot you can accomplish at home this month – building with bricks and mortar,and/or creating closer family bonds. After the 10th some soul-searching about your prospects will help you understand your true value, including in hard cash. Soon you’ll find your true voice, and express your wishes, but must negotiate complicated exchanges with others. Your way forward clearly requires inventive thinking. A close relative may challenge your ambitions, but this only strengthens your resolve. You’ll attract exciting new offers, and increased self-confidence pays off. The results could be dramatic.
Sex and Relationships
Your charisma has a fabulous impact on pretty much everyone you meet... An instant attraction, even love-at- first-sight, is possible now. But be aware of what, or who, is possibly just a ‘flash in the pan’. When in holiday mode you can accept exotic offers, and appreciate spontaneous gestures from a loved-one.
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