Your success will require both effort and imagination - especially when it involves others. You are set to buck the trend, but will need to humour anyone who is too confrontational. A new strategy at work works miracles, and communication skills give you unmistakable sparkle too. A setback actually boosts progress from now until the autumn. You will also need to sidestep potential opposition from colleagues. Personal news around the 23rd could distract you at work, or propel you on - it all depends on your response. Shared assets issues may be puzzling, but you’ll be suddenly, and pleasantly,surprised.
Sex and Relationships
This summer a live-wire personality presents glamorous possibilities. It’s wise to stay grounded without being in anyway a killjoy… you especially understand how fantasy feeds the soul. Flirty fun is this summer’s business, plus long-term partnerships will flourish if you bide your time. A declaration could be mind-blowing...
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