It’s time to use your personal influence wisely, and to avoid any self-destructive temptations. From mid-month your earlier efforts may well lead to valuable prizes. A confidence boost from a boss helps your early efforts really start to take off. You’ll be ready to fight your corner. Financial rewards won’t simply appear overnight, so patience truly is a virtue while you play an important long game. By late August your best asset will be employing your creative talent no matter what job you do… Very quickly you’ll recognise the path that suits you best. Apparently wild risks could be sound investments.
Sex and Relationships
You’ll rewrite your relationships rulebook… refusing to toe the line has huge pulling-power. Anyone who can’t handle this is no match for you. During the summer holidays,if concerned about expressing your feelings, it’s wise to test the waters. Soon the floodgates will open and someone won’t know what’s hit them…