Your persistence is bound to be rewarded. When facing problems, positive thinking raises your game, so enjoy the thrills of a roller-coaster ride. You are ready for challenges from the 10th and a ‘cut to the chase’ mentality helps you decide what job satisfaction really means. Hard work pays off and you’ll be on target from mid-month. Your progress will be guided by instinct, even if some close allies object... Both work and play make demands on you, but you’ll gamble effectively on your talents. Overspending now proves unwise as mature cash-management protects your future. A lucky windfall is actually the fruit of your labours.
Sex and Relationships
This summer you are on a crusade for love, or to change old relationship patterns. You may find that jealousy rears its head when it is least expected… With self-belief, and the guts to engage fully with life, you’ll move mountains. By late August you’ll know you are adored and the romantic mood restores your faith in human nature.
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