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Easy Halloween Makeup Looks You Can Actually Do Yourself

by Tolani Shoneye ,
Easy Halloween Makeup Looks You Can Actually Do Yourself

So Halloween is finally here and you've gotta pull off some YouTube worthy makeup good enough to spook ya neighbours with. But fear not, we've got all the fright night inspiration you need from creepy dolls to freaky felines, these are the easy-as-pumpkin-pie makeup looks you'll actually be able to do.

  1. · Creepy Doll
  2. · Products used
  3. · Sexy Cat
  4. · Products used
  5. · Vampire
  6. · Here's the tutorial.
  7. · Products used
  8. · Scarecrow
  9. · Here's the tutorial.
  10. · Products used

So, let's just put it out there! None of us are makeup artists but with these easy Halloween makeup looks you won't need to be.

Armed with a hella lot of makeup and a little help from Youtube, we managed to create some pretty terrifying makeovers in 30 minutes flat. Without poking our eyes out in the process. Bring. On. Halloween.

Creepy Doll

Easy Halloween Make up Looks

It's amazing what you can do with eyeliner, lipstick, lashes and white eyeshadow! This eerie porcelain doll look takes bout 10 minutes to create, yep it's that easy. You basically start off with your regular makeup routine, maybe using a lighter foundation and powder to get that ghostly complexion.

The trickiest part of this whole look was covering up the eyebrows with concealer, but if you apply the 'just keep adding' theory, eventually your natural brows will be no more.

​Pair this makeup look with a baby doll dress and you will be freaking everyone out. The bottom lashes... you'll never unsee those.

Here's the tutorial.


Products used

Easy Halloween Make up Looks
Easy Halloween Make up Looks
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Nars All Day Luminous Weightless Foundation, Lavera Organic Liquid Liner, Essence Kajal Pencil 04, Maybelline Palette The Nudes, Gosh No Limit Lash Mascara, Ciate Lip Chalk With Love, Benecos Natural Eyeshadow ‘Happy Hour’, Real Techniques Blusher Brush, Ardell Natural Style Demi Lashes 101, Nars Concealor Chantilly

Sexy Cat

Easy Halloween Make up Looks

Easy Halloween costume 101! Say hello to the sexy cat. The freaky feline has been the go-to Halloween look since forever and long may it reign. This makeup look will require some eyeliner and contouring skills but it's nothing you can't handle if you're willing to sit still. And when we say contour, we don't mean your normal flawless every day kinda look, we mean all-out, solid blocks of brown meets orange piled on top of your cheekbones.

No matter how ridiculous you think it might look, you really need to leave your makeup inhibitions at the front door to nail that fierce feline look. Remember it's Halloween, anything goes.

Oh and if you don't have black lipstick, because honestly who has black lipstick?! Just use some black eyeliner on the lips. And of course, no Halloween cat is complete without a little set of ears.

Here's the tutorial.


Products used

Easy Halloween Make up Looks
Easy Halloween Make up Looks
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Rodial BB Venom Skin Tint St Barts, St Moriz Bronzing Powder Golden Glow, In The Buff Mineral Makeup Athena, Rimmel Exagerrate LIquid Eyeliner, Chanel Kohl Eyeliner, Benefit They're Real! Mascara, Smashbox Eye Primer. Benefit Brow Zings, Topshop Lip Liner Deception, OCC Lip Tar Ready To Wear, Orelia Cat Ears


Easy Halloween Make up Looks

Ok, stay with us. This looks a lot more complicated than it actually is, in reality it's nothing some purple lipstick and eyeshadow can't fix. The main focus for the look is the eyes, it's a dark eerie look, with a hint of sultry. Think Bella from Twilight vibes.

Create smokey seductive eyes with a mix of purple eye shadow and black liner. Keep your complexion pretty minimal, but add definition with a little contour. We used purple eyeshadow for that too! The veins are created with a thin makeup brush and some Mac Rebel lipstick. It's literally a case of drawing thin thread-like lines down your face. Finish it off by filling in some pointy brows and you're done!

Here's the tutorial.


Products used

Easy Halloween Make up Looks
Easy Halloween Make up Looks
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Ardell Natural Style Demi Lashes 101, Clinique Supermoisture Makeup 02, Mac Mauveless Eyeshadow, Airbase eyeshadow palette 29 shade, 17, 25, 24,32 , Rimmel Exagerrate LIquid Eyeliner, Benefit Brow Zings, MAC Rebel Lipstick, Moxie Bareminerals Dare Devil Lipstick, Gosh No Limit Lash Mascara


Easy Halloween Make up Looks

Less scary more cute, this one's for the can't be arsed with Halloween types. We. Feel. You. Girl.

This look can be done in less than 10 minutes so if you're short on time, here's your makeover of choice. Once you have put on your normal makeup, add lashes, and get ready to draw on your face. The rosy cheeks and nose are drawn on with lipstick, while the stitching is done with eyeliner. This is the perfect, fuss free Halloween look and we all know we've got time for that.

Just add a straw hat and dungarees and be prepared to stay calm when a real life crow lands on you.

Here's the tutorial.


Products used

Easy Halloween Make up Looks
Easy Halloween Make up Looks
See album

Studio Skin 15 Hour Wear Hydrating Foundation, Bobbi Brown Skin Weightless Powder Foundation Warm Almond 6.5, Benefit Boi-ing Industrial-Strength Concealer, Lavera Organic Liquid Liner, Ciate Lip Chalk With Love, Maybelline Palette The Nudes, Ardell Runway Naomi, Benecos Dark Red

Easy Halloween Make up Looks
Easy Halloween Make up Looks
See album

What do you think of these Halloween looks? Tweet us @SofeminineUK

This article was written by Tolani Shoneye. Tweet her @tolly_t

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