Thought you had glitter game? Forget average sparkly, smokey eyes and glitter roots, these gals have really committed themselves to the cause by decorating their armpits with the stuff.
Now, we all saw the delightful twinkling taches and bedazzled beards of last week and while we fully appreciate that those fellas are probably 10 showers down and still finding specks in their whiskers, they've officially been bamboozled on this one.
But as easy as it is on the eyes, the glitzy pits trend is so much more than just an opportunity to deck out your underarm fluff. It's taking the #freethepits and #hairpitsclub movement one step further by encouraging women to celebrate their bodies and do whatever the eff they want with it - festive fuzz and all! And for that we say bring. on. the. glitter. Let's hear it for the girls!
Presenting glitter pits
Would you DIY glitter your pits? Tweet us @sofeminineUK
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