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Homeopathy in pregnancy

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Homeopathy in pregnancy

Homeopathy is an alternative medicine which aims to treat a paitents symptoms naturally with "remedies". It uses many animal, plant, mineral, and synthetic substances in these remedies.

  1. · Homeopathy in pregnancy
  2. · What can homeopathy in pregnancy help with?
  3. · Homeopathy and birth
  4. · More info:

Homeopathy in pregnancy

An initial consultation assesses all the factors of your physical and emotional makeup and records details of your temperament as well as your medical history.

Remedies may be prescribed for chronic or acute conditions.

What can homeopathy in pregnancy help with?

Homeopathy is used in pregnancy to treat:

    • morning sickness
    • headaches
    • piles
    • respiratory problems
    • anxiety

    Homeopathy and birth

    Zita West, Fertility and Pregnancy Expert and author of Natural Pregnancy, says "A homeopath may attend the birth or give advice over the phone."

    Key remedies are often recommended during labour - including arnica (to help prevent bruising and tearing). According to West, the types of remedies prescribed for birth might include:

    -Aconite 6c - for severe rapid contractions, soreness in the back and fear
    -Chammomilla 6c - for unbearable, spasmodic contractions, back pain and oversensitivity to noise and pain
    -Cimic. 6c - for severe contractions, a bruised feeling, restlessness, irritability and chilliness
    -Coffea 6c - for severe back pain and the urge to bear down before the cervix is fully dilated
    -Secale cornutum 6c - for irregular, ineffectual contractions that are causing distress.

    Self-help remedies are normally safe if you have a normal pregnancy, although labour-inducing remedies such as Caulophyllum should be used with caution.

    More info:

    Little Birth Kits
    Homeopathic Childbirth

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