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Here's Where You Can Buy Every Outfit You've Seen On Love Island

by Rose Adams ,
Here's Where You Can Buy Every Outfit You've Seen On Love Island

You're not alone if you've relentlessly Googled the Love Island girls' outfits mid episode because the girls are killing it in sartorial terms. But quit with the style envy because we've found a one-stop shop for every outfit they've rocked this series, from their out-out dresses right up to their mirrored sunglasses. Goodbye salary!

It's not just the ongoing drama or the will-they-won't-they suspense that's got us hooked on Love Island, no we've also been tuning in to see the girls' slayin' style, too. Yep, whether they're chilling by the pool in the latest cossie or glamming up for a night of recoupling, the female islanders' outfit game has been particularly on point this year, and we just can't get enough.

​From Amber's yellow flared trousers to Montana's bodycon dress collection, the girls have been showing off their style credentials 24/7 in the villa, and it's no wonder the boys have been putting in some serious grafting as a result.

But if you've been wondering just where you can steal their style for yourself, we have the answer. You can now shop the exact matches that Camilla and co. have been rocking throughout the series on Instagram account @LoveIslandOutfits - and the good news is that it's all affordable high street garms, too!

The brains behind this genius idea have revealed themselves as fashion and Love Island fans Elle Brook (@elleclaybrook) and Laura Rider (@laurajrider) who set up the account after lusting over the girl's outfits each night themselves. They update it daily as every episode plays out, so we need never miss a shopping opportunity again.

Hello new holiday wardrobe, goodbye wages!



Check out more pics of the girls showing off their outfit game!

Chloe & Amber © Instagram
Chloe & Amber
See album

Who do you think is the most stylish islander of them all? Let us know @SoFeminineUK

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