Phylis Sues, at 90-years-old, is beyond fabulous. In fact, her weekly activities definitely surpass what we typically get up to (you know – lying in bed, eating cheerios, watching cats be hilarious on YouTube). Phyllis plays tennis, jumps rope, and does trapeze and yoga to keep herself fit. She’s even done skydiving. Skydiving.
As a younger woman she was a dancer in “five long-run Broadway shows and two flops”, spent time with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, performed for the Air Corps, and danced her way through America and Europe with her dancing partner, Donnie Weissmuller.
However, getting a little older hasn’t stopped her from doing the things she loves the most. Check her out doing the tango, and colour yourself impressed because Grandma has some serious moves.
Not only is she incredibly active for her age, Phyllis also taught herself Italian and French in her 70s, plays the piano and writes music compositions for her favourite genres, tango and jazz. She also designs clothes. Is there anything she can't do?!
So what is Phyllis’s secret to being so incredibly active? For one, she’s never retired, nor has any desire to. In her blog for the Huffington Post, Phyllis wrote: “for me retirement means giving up. Half a life. The past dominates and the future is lifeless. Unless you take on a new project, something you’ve never done before.”
We can’t wait to see what she starts doing next! Tweet us your thoughts @sofeminineUK