The last thing we saw in Mockingjay Part I was the country at war, with the districts rising up against the Capitol and their dictator ruler, the ruthless President Snow. Katniss, Gale and most of the other surviving tributes had made it to District 13 after District 12 was obliterated, whilst Peeta, Joanne and Finnick's girlfriend Annie were taken by the Capitol. After a rescue attempt is made to save them, Peeta returns to District 13 brainwashed and determined to kill Katniss. DRAMA.
So what will happen next? Will Peeta be brought back to his old self? Will Katniss singlehandedly destroy the Capitol then make it home in time for lamb stew? Who can say (unless you've read the books, in which case SSSH)!
The film is due to be released on November 20, 2015. In the meantime, check out the brand new images here...

Are you looking forward to it? Tweet us @sofeminineUK!
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