We are miserable that the third season of Sherlock has almost come to an end, but what a season it’s been right? Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have been on top form, the rooftop jump was (sort of) explained, and the storylines have been amazing!
So it looks like we’re in for a bit of a treat, as Steven Moffat has confirmed that Sherlock will be back, and that he and Mark Gatiss have already plotted series four and five. Hurray!

Moffat said: “Rather excitingly Mark and I, for no particular reason at all, we on day just got out of the rain and sat at the top of the production bus with all the accountants and we just started talking about what we could do in the future.
“We’ve plotted out the whole of series four and five…so we have got plans. But out plans don't tend to be 'let's blow up the world' or cast the most famous person, it tends to be 'what exciting twists and turns can we add to this, and I think we've got some crackers. The ideas we had that day, I thought, were the best we've ever had."
Stop teasing us Moffat! The co-writers do enjoy messing with the fans, as a YouTube video surfaced several months ago of characters Mycroft and Moriarty shaking hands before parting ways, leading to intense speculation. However, it turned out it was just a fake to mislead the fans who were watching from the sidelines.
He said: “It was more secretive once we started to shoot out in public because we were surrounded by journalists and ranks of Sherlock fans, standing behind barriers…there was a whole pretend scene that Mark insisted on doing with Andrew, where they walked out and had an imaginary chat and Andrew was wearing Sherlock’s coat for no readily apparent reason.
“That got reported so yes, we were having fun.”
Very sneaky! Will you be tuning into the final episode on Sunday? Tweet us @sofeminineUK