Miley Cyrus recently revealed that she’s not particularly a fan of children, and that some children drive her so crazy that she just wants to show them whose boss. We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait for her to become a parent!
She told W magazine: “Sometimes I hear kids with their parents, and I want to go over and, like, smack them myself. Like if they meet me, they’ll be like, “Mom, don’t you know how to use an iPhone? Like, can you take a picture?”

Okay, so sparking a joint on stage, twerking against Santa Claus, carving sex positions into a pumpkin and going totally naked for a music video is fine, but apparently being impatient with your parents skills with technology is where Miley draws the line. We knew she’d have her limits eventually!
The 21-year-old also suggested that her dislike of children could also be from the years she spent on sets filled with children, especially since her mum Tish would never put up with rudeness.
She continued: “Dude, if I ever talked to my mom like that when I was a kid, I would have had no phone, no computer, no TV, no anything. And so, yeah, kids are just mean. I don’t love kids.”
Miley does have a very close relationship with her parents, and both have been especially supportive of her radical image change. Tish has previously said: “If anyone has ever said, ‘Where’s her mother?’…Right beside her. Through good, bad, through arguments, through crying, through I don’t care what, right there.”
Miley’s dad Billy Ray Cyrus has also said: “I kind of wish I would’ve thought of going on the [Country Music Awards] with a foam finger and twerked. It would’ve been a whole different ball game!”
Were you nice to your parents as a kid? Tweet us @sofeminineUK