Danny Cipriani is apparently not really sorry for cheating on Kelly Brook.
In fact he's pretty glad it's all over.
Friends of the rugby player have claimed the couple had some real problems and it would never have lasted.
One told Now magazine: "Danny isn't trying to win Kelly back. Far from it. He's acting as if he's had a lucky escape.
"He didn't mean to humiliate her, but he's more sorry he's been caught out than remorseful about what he's done.
"And he feels bad his mum had to see it."
A scrap of a shame at the end there...
The love rat has also apparently been boasting to friends: "I'm not sorry, just glad I'm out.
"It was hard work going out with Kelly."

The age gap between the couple was one of the issues they reportedly faced, with 33-year-old Kelly eight years Danny's senior.
The 25-year-old had no interest in marriage and children.
Not only that, but Danny apparently grew sick of Kelly's Insta-obsession.
The pal continued: "Danny was getting really bored of Kelly constantly checking Twitter and Instagram on holiday.
"It was just constant picture posting with her.
"Danny realised it wasn't going to work out long term."
So he decided to sext various other women. What a guy.
The model is said to have hit the roof when she discovered steamy snaps and texts on Danny’s secret phone.

Not one to be made to look stupid, Kelly reportedly contacted the string of girls from the mobile.
Stacey Simcox, 25, revealed Danny had been sending her increasingly sexy messages.
Danny is now apparently terrified of what may come out in Katie Price's tell-all book - another woman he's thought to have messed around.
The glamour model has promised to reveal all his secrets in her autobiography and after news of his cheating broke she was happy to let everyone know of Danny's sexual prowess - or lack of it.
He's also concerned there may be other exes coming out of the woodwork.
But it seems he's not too bothered, as he may have his eye on an old flame.
Now magazine reports that he's got his eye on Lindsay Lohan.
They hung out briefly in 2010 and now Danny's reportedly been "seeking support" from the troubled young star.
Just out of rehab and trying to get her life back on track, we say Lilo - lose his number.