You've started to watching Making a Murderer. Hey, what’s the worst that could happen?
Already you're having a hard time trusting a man who thinks bald with a beard is a good look
Then you realise this man is about to be made a millionaire for time unjustly spent in prison and you are filled with righteousness
And also that’ll mean he can probably go buy himself a few new shirts :S :S :S
How can he go to SO many talks and meetings and press conferences in the same stained blue t-shirt? Oh Steve...
You quickly grow outraged at the guy who FRAMED his framing of Steve
You also feel horribly sorry for Steve’s mother
But all in all, your attitude towards the Avery family unit is mixed at best
You wish you could understand what their accent is and where it came from
You also develop a serious crush on Avery’s lawyers and their fashion choices <3
On the other hand, you want to slap Brendan’s lawyer’s smile off his corrupt, Ned Flanders face
You aspire to be more like this sassy reporter
Then you get to episode five and realise the POLICE KNEW WHERE THE CAR WAS TWO DAYS BEFORE IT WAS FOUND
You realise that Manitowoc Country Sheriff’s Department are all LIARS
Not to mention this smug scientist
You will stop at nothing to find out who the ‘international recording artist’ juror is
You’re a little ashamed of yourself for truly disliking Teresa’s brother
You’re now 7 episodes in with no signs of stopping. Plans have been cancelled. Takeaways have been ordered.
You begin to worry about your own safety from a corrupt police force
You know what will happen at the end, but you still hope for the best
You feel like crying when Steve and Brendan’s sentences are handed out
When you hear ANOTHER thing about that f*cking blue ribbon
But instantly cheer up when you discover that prosecutor Ken Kratz is a sex pest
When you find out that Steve Avery has found a new girlfriend in prison
You kind of finish the series not knowing what’s right or wrong or what you believe
Do you think he did it? Tweet us @sofeminineUK.
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