Cameron is dressed up as Willy Wonka and gives Celine a Golden Ticket to her Christmas adventure. She follows his clues to the boat and finds a Christmas grotto, but Cameron is nowhere to be seen. Elsewhere, Cameron thinks Peri and Leela are coming home when he overhears Tegan on the phone organising a visit. He returns to the boat but Celine has had enough of being at the bottom of his list of priorities.
Ste feels guilty after his latest binge, while Tony and Tegan are planning a Christmas surprise for him. Tony leaves Ste alone in his flat looking after Ant and Dee Dee, but desperate for another hit, Ste pops next door and locks himself out.
Lindsey fakes a panic attack to get Joe’s attention. He comes to the rescue and tells Lindsey she can stay at the Roscoe’s – she’s won.