As news of Thursday’s events begin to spread through the village, Alicia steals herself to tell Jacob, but how will he react? Alicia is determined not to hide away and heads to do a shift at the pub, but things are not made easy for her when Georgia passes opinion, infuriating protective sister Leyla who smacks Georgia in defence. But Alicia's apprehension is further heightened when David arrives with the police who want to talk to her and Alicia is left feeling shocked...
Finn’s concern for Val grows as her cough shows no signs of improvement. He warns her that she needs to take responsibility for her health and urges her to go to the doctor. Later, FInn uses a different tactic to try and get through to her, but will his efforts backfire?
In the vets surgery, Pearl's on the phone to the bank, troubled she hasn't enough money to cover a payment. She takes cash from the tin and makes a note of it. Later, she's horrified to find Paddy in the petty cash tin…
Rachel goes to see Dan for a favour, Dan is nervous as to what that might be. Later, Rachel arrives at the Dingle’s to see Sam and Tracy sitting together and is pleased to announce she knows someone can help with her living situation, keen to get Tracy away from her man.