Blow-drying our barnets is never a quiet affair with all the hair stuck in motor moments, over-heating roars and all that switching on and off to section business.
But here's an innovation that will take the stress out of drying our tresses. Bagless hoover brand Dyson is developing a near silent hairdryer meaning our noisy hair habits could finally be quieting down.
Imagine, no cranking up the volume to hear breakfast TV, no rushing to work with wet hair, and no more early wake up calls for a sleeping boyf. This is engineering made for girls.
The Dyson team are usually very hush-hush about their new designs but it has been revealed that they're spending £1.5 million on research and development.
Dyson says: "The noise of the hairdryer is reduced by having a long fluid flow path, coiled, looped, curves, s-shaped, zigzagged fluid flow path and frequency attenuating lining material."
And it's not only flatmates that will benefit from a bit of soundproofing, the new handheld device can also be used to dry our clothes.

Forget 70+ decibels and that noisy neighbour reputation, this glam gadget's all for silent styling. Although it looks like we'll have to wait to get our hands on one of these since it's only in the early design stages. We actually can't wait!
Are you as excited as we are for the silent hairdryer? Tweet us @sofeminineuk